The Interlopers
The Man in the Water
Julius Caesar Acts I and II
Julius Caesar Act III
Literary Terms
This is the setting of "The Interlopers"
What is the disputed lands in a forest in the mountains?
Who is "the man in the water?"
the random, unidentified man that gave his life to save others
Why is Brutus conflicted at the beginning of Act 1?
He doesn't want Caesar, his best friend, to become king.
Who is the last to stab Caesar?
The storm attacked the town with great rage. What literary device is at use here?
Explain how this story demonstrates the conflict character vs. nature.
A storm cause the tree to fall on the men.
What genre is the story written in?
nonfiction, reflective essay
What does Cassius say about fate when he says "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are the underlings?"
Caesar is king because we allowed it, not because he was destined to be king. Therefore, we can just as well take it away.
What does the scene with Cinna the poet say about people in mobs?
They act stupidly and without logic
Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain. Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded one of a colt, for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs, which were very much in her way. [. . .] Elizabeth, or Beth, as everyone called her, was a rosy, smooth-haired, bright-eyed girl of thirteen, with a shy manner, a timid voice, and a peaceful expression which was seldom disturbed. [. . .] Amy, though the youngest, was a most important person, in her own opinion at least. (1.35) What is the point of view?
Third person omniscient
What is ironic about the ending of the story?
Just as the men reconcile their differences, wolves come to kill them.
"Yet there was something else about the man that kept our thoughts on him, and which keeps our thoughts on him still. He was THERE, in the essential, class circumstance. Man in nature. The man in the water. What is the author's tone?
impressed, proud, awestruck, (answers will vary)
What does Brutus reveal in his soliloquy at the beginning of Act II?
He needs to convince himself to kill Caesar.
How does Antony use pathos to incite the crowd?
He weeps. He shows the people the body. He reads the will. All will be accepted.
What are the five types of conflict? (You must get 4 to answer this correctly)
person vs. self person vs. nature person vs. person person vs. fate person vs. society
"Your men will find you dead under a fallen beech tree. For form's sake I shall send CONDOLENCES to your family." Define the capitalized word using context clues.
expression of sympathy or sorrow
The jets from Washington National Airport that normally swoop around the presidential monuments like famished gulls are, for the moment, EMBLEMIZED by the one that fell. Define the capitalized word.
symbolized, represented
How does Shakespeare symbolize that Caesar only hears what will benefit him?
He is deaf in one ear
Use ethos, logos, and pathos to convince Mr. Eisen to cancel the final.
Answers will vary
What is the difference between a soliloquy and a monologue?
Soliloquies are told alone on stage; monologues are directed at or with other characters
What does the story say about grudges?
The longer you hold on to them, the heavier they get.
What is the story's central idea regarding the conflict of person vs. nature?
Humans can persevere over nature by choosing who survives in wake of a disaster. Nature is "indifferent" . . . human nature can "rise to the occasion"
How is Cassius a foil of Brutus?
Cassius is motivated by personal feelings; Brutus is motivated by his public responsibility.
What makes Brutus a "tragic hero?"
He trusts Antony (and others) too much, and Antony ruins the plan
Provide an example of dramatic irony from any of the stories we read this year.
Answers will vary