Literary Devices
Revising and Editing/Language
Sentence level
Wild Card
What is the meaning of convey?
What is to show or express?
This is the person whose voice we hear in a poem.
Who is the speaker?
Which sentence is INFORMAL: A:The honey badger is a species native to Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent; however, it is most dissimilar from other badger species due to its resemblance to the weasel. B:The honey badger can be found in Africa. It looks like a weasel-bear hybrid.
What is B, The honey badger can be found in Africa. It looks like a weasel-bear hybrid.?
These are conjunctions used to combine two sentences.
What is FANBOYS?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! An author who wrote under the pen name Ned Buntline then made the character Buffalo Bill the hero of their novels. What change should be made in this sentence? A. Insert a comma after Buntline B. Change made to making C. Change their to his D. No change should be made
What is C. Change their to his.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!! Explain what a counterargument is.
What is addressing/acknowledging the opposite point of view.
The series of events in a story is called this.
What is the plot?
When they peered inside the silo, they saw Grady calmly looking out at them. This sentence lacks clarity. What is the best way to improve the sentence? A. change WHEN THEY to WHEN MACH AND THE VETERINARIAN B. Change PEERED to GLANCED C. Change THEY SAW to HE SAW D. Change LOOKING OUT and STARING
To be a complete sentence, you must have what 2 things?
What is a subject and a verb?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!! What is third person point of view?
It is the perspective of an outsider looking in, and uses pronouns like he, she, it, or they.
What does the word anecdotal mean?
Something story like; something based on stories or retelling; not based on provable facts.
“I was surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s." is an example of what type of figurative language?
What is allusion.
Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light. She probably thought it was an exit from the barn. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 7 and 8? Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light. She probably thought it was an exit from the barn. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 7 and 8? F. Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, probably thinking it was an exit from the barn. G. Afterward Grady, who became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, probably thought it was an exit from the barn. H. Afterward Grady became upset because she probably thought it was an exit from the barn and ran toward the nearest source of light. J. Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, she probably thought it was an exit from the barn. G. Afterward Grady, who became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, probably thought it was an exit from the barn. H. Afterward Grady became upset because she probably thought it was an exit from the barn and ran toward the nearest source of light. J. Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, she probably thought it was an exit from the barn.
What is Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light. She probably thought it was an exit from the barn. DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! What is the most effective way to combine sentences 7 and 8? F. Afterward Grady became upset and ran toward the nearest source of light, probably thinking it was an exit from the barn.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!! What is a way to fix a run-on sentence?
What is use FANBOYS and a comma, recombine/re-word, use a semicolon?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Read these lines from the poem. I am four in this photograph, standing on a wide strip of Mississippi beach, my hands on the owered hips of a bright bikini. . . . In these lines, the poet’s tone can best be described as — F nostalgic G strident H apologetic J reverent
What is F. Nostalgic.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! An author's word choice is called what?
What is diction
This is clues or hints that something is going to happen.
What is foreshadowing?
Throughout childhood, kids are encouraged to take good care of their bodies by getting adequate rest, exercising regularly, eating healthful foods, and drinking plenty of water. But recently a new directive has been added to that list. Children and teenagers are now warned to protect their skin. Brianna realizes that she did not include a position statement in this paper. Which sentence could follow sentence 3 and serve as the position statement for her paper? A. Teenagers must stop lying in the sun, or they will experience grave consequences. B. Overexposure to tanning beds and natural sunlight has caused a huge problem for men and women. C. There are many ways that people can begin to learn more about protecting their skin. D. Skin cancer is on the rise among young people, and teens should make some basic lifestyle changes to help slow this trend.
What is D. Skin cancer is on the rise among young people, and teens should make some basic lifestyle changes to help slow this trend.
What is the difference between a fragment and a run-on sentence?
A fragment is an incomplete sentence, and a run-on sentence is lacking punctuation.
This word is the possessive form for the word "them" or "they". The toy was _______.
What is theirs?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! What is the difference between denotation and connotation?
What is denotation is the dictionary definition of a word, and connotation is the definition of the word in context.
This is comparing two unlike things using is, was, are or were.
What is a metaphor?
Although few moles actually develop into melanoma, by carefully examining cells from the suspicious mole, only an expert can determine under a microscope whether a person is at risk. What is the most effective revision to make in sentence 24? A. Although few moles actually develop into melanoma, only an expert can determine whether a person is at risk and is carefully examining cells from the suspicious mole under a microscope. B. Although few moles actually develop into melanoma, only an expert can determine whether a person is at risk by carefully examining cells from the suspicious mole under a microscope. C. Although few moles actually develop into melanoma, only an expert under a microscope can determine whether a person is at risk by carefully examining cells from the suspicious mole. D. No revision is needed in sentence 24.
What is B. Although few moles actually develop into melanoma, only an expert can determine whether a person is at risk by carefully examining cells from the suspicious mole under a microscope.
We use commas before conjunctions. Which is NOT the correct way to use a comma before a conjunction? A. We were hungry, so we grabbed a burger. B. He wanted to buy the new game, but he didn't have enough money. C. Do you want to ride your bike, or your scooter? D. I love to sing yet, I am not very good at it.
What is D? I love to sing yet, I am not very good at it.
This is a contraction for the words "they are".
What is "they're"?