Native American
Age of Reason

What is a creation myth and its significance in NA literature?

  • Explains how human lives are created

  • Explains the workings of the natural world

  • Supports and validates social customs

  • Tries to explain some mystery of the universe


What are the basic beliefs of the Puritans?

  • Total Depravity

  • Predestination

  • Unconditional Election

  • Limited Atonement

  • Sanctification

  • The Bible is the supreme authority on earth

  • Theocracy


What is the common thought of the Realist period?

“by using reason, humans can manage themselves and society without relying on tradition or authority”


What are the 3 types of Romanticism?

Renaissance, Dark Romantics, Transcendentalists


Give me the 2 names for the 1920's 

The Roaring 20's, the Jazz Age


What were the main emphases of the NA literature?

The relationship between creator, humanity, and the natural world

Describe the Puritan way of life and the strict beliefs they adhered to. 
  • god and hard work come first

  • idleness - a sin and a crime

  • strict conformity

  • simple clothes

  • no dancing/games

  • belief in witches and witchcraft is a crime

  • not attending church is a punishable crime

  • fear of outsiders/nonconformity/Hell

  • moral purity down to the smallest detail

  • Satan is behind every evil deed

What were the main topics of realist writers?

science, ethics, government, NO RELIGION

What 2 texts did we read regarding Romanticism?

The Scarlet Letter, The Tell-Tale Heart


What 3 men influenced the Modern age?

Darwin, Marx, and Freud


What are 2 creation myths that we read from Native American literature?

When Grizzlies Walked Upright, the World on the Turtle's Back

Analyze the characteristics of Puritan writing and its influence on American lit

  • The Bible = model for writing

  • Puritans look for direct connections between biblical events and events in their own lives

  • diaries and histories were most common forms of literary expression

  • avoided complicated figures of speech


What were the emphases of the Realist era?

  • Reason over imagination

  • Social over personal

  • Common over individual

  • Social evils can be corrected

  • Superstition and ignorance can end

  • The general quality of life can improve


Explain the characteristics of Romanticism and how they differ from Realism

  • Values feeling and intuition over reason

  • Shuns the artificiality of civilization and seeks unspoiled nature

  • prefers youthful innocence to educated sophistication

  • Champions individual freedom and the worth of the individual

  • Places faith in inner experience and the power of the imagination

  • Looks backward to the wisdom of the past/distrusts progress

  • Finds beauty and truth in exotic locals, the supernatural realm, and the inner world of the imagination

  • Sees poetry as the highest expression of the imagination

  • Finds inspiration in myth, legend, and folk culture

  • Contemplates nature’s beauty as a path to spiritual and moral development


Discuss the characteristics of Modernist Literature and its departure from traditional themes.

  • Called for bold experimentation and an extensive rejection of traditional themes and styles.

  • Trend of thought that affirms the power of human beings to create, improve, and reshape their environment

  • Progressive and optimistic

  • Encouraged the re-examination of every aspect of existence

  • Goal: find which was “holding back” progress and replace it with new, progressive ways 

  • World view: the new = the good, the true, and the beautiful


What are the common motifs of NA literature?

  • Humans have a connection with nature

  • Conflict between ancient customs and modern life (past and present)

  • Storytelling is important

  • Life is a circle

  • Fire is an important symbol


What 2 key texts did we read involving Puritanism?

  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards

  • The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne


Who were the typical realist writers? 

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Jean de Crevocoeur


Discuss the significance of myth, legend, and folk culture in Romanticism

most of Romantic Literature was based on myth, legend, and folk culture


Explain the concept of the American Dream in the context of Modernism

answers may vary


Why is storytelling considered essential in NA culture?

It is the main method of passing down traditions and myths


What are the common motifs/symbols of Puritan literature?

  • Fire

  • Light

  • Ornamentation

  • iron


How did Realism reflect the social changes of the time?

Answers may vary. 


Describe the role of nature and individual freedom in Romantic literature.

Answers may vary


Define these three things: 

1. Stream of Consciousness

2. Disjointed Timeline

3. Metanarrative

1. The continuous thoughts of the narrator

2. Timelines that are not chronological

3. A story within a story
