Water Animals
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Random Creation
Why did the explorers write detailed journals?
What is to describe their experiences to people back home.
The Grizzlies are able to do what at the start of the story?
What is walk on two legs and talk.
What grows on the turtle's back?
What is earth.
What does the Sky Chief do to the bears out of anger?
What is he makes them walk on four legs and not speak.
What is a origin myth?
What is a tale explaining the creation of earth or another object in life.
Why did the Indians believe the explorers to be powerful?
What is the Indians became ill when the explorers were angry with them.
What is the first creation the Sky Chief makes in "Grizzlies"?
What is a hole and Mount Shasta.
What two items are used in order to make earth in "The Earth on turtle's Back"?
What is seeds from the Great Tree and earth from below the water.
Why do the Modac's living near Mount Shasta not kill Grizzly bears?
What is they are decedents from the bears.
Who are the parents of the first Native Americans?
What is the Sky Chief's daughter and a Grizzly bear.
Which words in this passage from "A Journey Through Texas" signal the passage of time? a. "The next morning" b. "all those" c. "who were strong enough" d. "came along"
What is a.
Why does the chief's daughter look out of the volcano?
What is she was curious to see the sea.
The chief's wife has a dream that the tree must be uprooted. What does the husband do?
What is he sends people to uproot the tree.
The main theme in "Grizzlies" is to explain the origin of what/who?
What is the first Native Americans.
Why is the Sky Chief angry with his daughter?
What is she created a creature that he did not want.
In "A Journey Through Texas", why do the people "of the cows" no longer raise maize?
What is it had not rained for two years, and moles had eaten the corn.
When the mother Grizzly seeks forgiveness from the Chief before she dies, what does this suggest about Modac values?
What is they believed in forgiveness before death in order to be with the Gods in an afterlife.
By uprooting the tree due to a dream, what does this suggest about the power of dreams in the Onondaga tribe?
What is they value dreams as messages from their God.
In "When Grizzlies Walked Upright", the daughter of the Sky Chief and the son of the grizzly family marry, have a family, and live in a special lodge. What modern archetype do these two characters represent? a. mixed marriage b. a frontier couple c. Little Mount Shasta d. The wisdom of age
What is a.
Which of these would be your ancestor? a. grandparents b. your sister or brother c. your niece or nephew d. your great-grandchildren
What is a.
What are the explorers opinion of the natives? How does influence how the natives treat the explorers?
What is not high. The explorers view the natives as savage and possibly superstitious and gullible. The natives treat the explorers as powerful Gods and this is seen when they ask the explorers to not be angry with them in order to heal their sick. Also, when they ask the explorers to make it rain.
List at least three archetypal characters found in the origin myths.
What is Native Americans, talking animals, Gods, mother earth, and worship of earthly beings (trees).
Describe the muskrat's journey to get earth. Why is this self-sacrifice?
What is difficult because she was small and not strong. She was willing to die to save the woman.
Which of these saying expresses a cultural value clearly suggested by "The Earth on Turtle's Back"? a. Might makes right b. If you don't succeed, try, try, again c. There's no place like home d. The meek shall inherit the earth
What is b.
The Sky Chief in "Grizzlies" creates landforms and several living things. Name the creation process of one landform and one living creature.
What is determined by Mrs. Thomas if correct.