How do you say 12 in english?
What is the english word for "corps"
La colle
glue stick
If you're happy, happy, happy, ________
clap your hands
What does "listen" mean?
What number is this in english: 30 ?
One foot, two ____
What is a book?
un livre
c'est quoi la question qu'on pose quand on veut dire "comment te sens-tu?"
How do you feel today?
What does "What's missing?" mean?
Qu'est-ce qui manque?
What number is in between eighteen and twenty?
nineteen (19)
Translate "les bras et les jambes"
the arms and the legs
What is a pencil case?
une trousse
Translate: Je me sens fatigué
I feel sleepy
What does "take a nap" mean?
Fais une sieste
Say the following numbers in english: 13, 22, 26
thirteen, twenty-two, twenty-six
Les mains
C'est quoi les deux mots pour dire "surpris"
How do you say "ouvrez" et "fermez" in english?
Count backwards starting with the number twenty-eight and ending with the number twenty-one,
twenty-eight (28), twenty-seven (27), twenty-six (26), twenty-five (25), twenty-four (24), twenty-three (23), twenty-two (22), twenty-one (21)
les yeux, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche
the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the nose
Sort the objects from smallest to biggest:
1. A pen
2. A ruler
3. An eraser/a rubber
an eraser, a pen, a ruler
Je suis triste et effrayé
I am sad and scared
What does wipe your tears mean?
Essuie tes larmes