What is "cheveux" in English?
What is "saute" in English?
Sing any line from an English song.
Good job!
Name three animals in English.
Dog, Cat, Snake, Horse, Fish, Bunny, Deer, etc.
What is "Lutin" in English?
What is "nez" in English?
Name one piece of equipment that you need to play hockey.
Stick, Puck, Skates, Helmet, Net, etc.
Spell the word "Lundi" in English.
What is "cheval" in English?
What is "Cadeau" in English?
Translate this sentence to English: "Il a les yeux bleus."
He has blue eyes.
What is "patinage" in English?
Count to 20 in English.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty
What is a young dog called in English?
Name three foods/desserts you will eat at Christmas dinner (in English).
Turkey, Potatoes, Carrots, Cookies, Cupcakes, etc.
Translate this sentence to English: "Elle est grande!"
She is tall!
What is "randonnée" in English?
Name three pizza toppings in English.
Cheese, Pepperoni, Onions, Peppers, Olives, Tomatoes, etc.
Translate this sentence: "Le lapin est triste."
The bunny/rabbit is sad.
Translate the full date of Christmas this year in English "Lundi 25 décembre 2023"
Monday, December 25, 2023
What is "sourcils" in English?
Spell the word "planche à roulette" in English.
Translate this sentence: "Mlle Jaiden porte du blanc aujourd'hui."
Miss Jaiden is wearing white today.
What is the fastest animal in the world?
Translate this sentence: "Noël c'est dans une semaine !"
Christmas is in one week!