What is the literary device that uses “like” and “as”?
What is a Simile?
Who said “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”
Who is Juliet? (Romeo and Juliet)
Who is the author of Harry Potter?
Who is J.K. Rowling?
What is the word for the act of throwing someone or something out of a window?
What is defenestration?
What word would you put the apostrophe in? The sentence is “The trees leaves”.
What literary device says one thing is another (ex. They have a heart of stone)?
What is a metaphor?
Who said “Call you me fair? that fair again unsay. Demetrius loves your fair: O happy fair!”
Who is Helena? (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?
Who is Harper Lee?
What word is the word for a group that is difficult to control?
What is Fractious?
Which word is correct in the sentence? “It is (they’re/there/their) birthday?”
The options are:
1. They’re
2. There
3. Their
What is the literary device is used when something you expect is different than what you see.
What is irony?
Lo, she is one of this confederacy! Now I perceive they have conjoin’d all three to fashion this false sport, in spite of me.
Who is Helena? (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Who wrote a Raisin in the Sun?
Who is Lorraine Hansberry?
What is the word that means tiredness or drowsiness?
What is somnolent?
What is the word for meaning the same as or exactly the same as another word?
What is a synonym?
What is the literary device that references something in the real world?
What is an Allusion?
Who said “Mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.”
Who is Ms. Maudie (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Who wrote The Giver?
Who is Lois Lowry?
What is the word for if someone is speaking vaguely, with the intention of misleading someone?
What is equivocate?
How do you spell _______?
What is c-h-a-r-t-r-e-u-s-e?
What literary device that compares very opposite things side by side?
What is Juxtaposition?
Who said “Once upon a time freedom used to be life - now it’s money”
Who is Mama/Lena? (A Raisin in the Sun )
Who wrote Out of My Mind?
Who is Sharon Draper?
What is the word that means to describe someone talking too much? (Starts with a g)
What is garrulous?
What is the multiple of moose?
What is moose