Return to a place
Come back
Water boils if you heat it to 100C.
Zero conditional
Beat around the bush
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
Produce an idea
Come up with
My money will grow if I invest it.
First Conditional
Break the ice
Make people feel more comfortable
Think about it until you understand /plan
Figure out / work out
I might have gone on that college trip last week if I had saved more money.
Third Conditional
Good things come to those who wait
Be patient
Think about something in the past
Look back (on)
If you own a car, you also have to pay for insurance and registration every year.
Zero Conditional
Spill the beans
Give away a secret
Start to talk about
Bring up
I'll give you a lift into town if I finish my work in time.
First Conditional
There is no such thing as a free lunch
Nothing is entirely free