A number of tenses the English language has in total.
Is it 12 / Twelve?
The word "etymology" means...
Is it is the origin of a word?
"Slang" encapsulates the entirety of the informal speech. Tell if it is true or false.
Is it false?
A language tense is...
Is it a verb category(form of the verb) that allows you to express time?
The word "algorithm" was derived from Arab mathematician's name. Tell if it is true or false.
Is it "true"? (The term algorithm derives from the latinized name "Algoritmi" of Muhammad ibn Mūsā al'Khwārizmī)
"ASAP" stands for...
Is it "as soon as possible"?
The tense that was used in the "Would he go to New York?" question is...
Is it "future in the past"?
The word "fiancé" is derived from ... language.
Is it French?
"Don't" is a part of informal language. Tell if it is true or false.
Is it "true"?
Express the process of you waiting for me for three hours by the time I arrive using the correct tense.
Is it "By the time you arrive, I will have been waiting here for three hours."?
The etymology of the word "salary" is...
Does it come from the Latin "salarium", meaning "salt money" because Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt?
The following sentence is an example of informal speech. "Dear sir, the rule of thumb is to select the product that best meets the client's needs and budget." Tell if it is true or false.
Is it "true" because a "rule of thumb" idiom is informal?