This is the number one language (after English) spoken by our students.
What is Chinese/Mandarin?
These are the most effective practices for teaching ELs.
Interacting in meaningful ways, learning about how English works, and using foundational literacy skills are these.
What are the three parts of the OR ELPA Standards?
ELD and ELP stand for?
What is English Language Development and English Language Proficiency?
ELD falls under the umbrella of Special Education.
What is False! ELD is core content, general education.
This is the school with the highest number of EL students.
What is OC: 68?
This is the amount of time students are monitored in our district after exiting (proficient in English).
What is 4 years?
The ELPA standards are designed to be used in this way, relative to other content standards.
What is in tandem?
ELPA standards were written after the LA, Math, Social Studies, & Science standards to specifically be used together.
ELPA stands for?
What is English Language Proficiency Assessment?
ELD is a service, and needs to be made-up if missed.
False! ELD is core content instruction. We are required to provide ELD instruction to our English Learners throughout the day with Integrated ELD and as protected instruction time for Designated ELD.
This is the number of different languages spoken by students at LOSD.
What is 57+?
While best practices for English Learners are best practices for all students. Best practices are not considered ELD instruction unless it has this.
What is a language objective?
These are the ELD proficiency level descriptors that came out with the ELPA standards.
What are Emerging, Progressing, Proficient?
ELSWD stands for?
What is English Language Learner With Disability?
Every classroom teacher, educational assistant, and administrator should provide language instruction for EL students.
What is True! Every teacher, educational assistant, and administrator should provide intentional language instruction for all EL students - everyday, everywhere.
This is the number of active and monitored EL students in LOSD
What is 195 and 186 = 381
The languages and cultures of our students are these. (hint: non-tangible noun)
What are ASSETS which we value and build upon in our school?
These are the three components of Part I of the ELD standards- Interacting in Meaningful Ways.
What are Collaborative, Interpretive and Productive? (Oral and written language included in each).
ESL stands for?
What is English as a Second Language?
Whole class instruction is the best way to ensure every student is provided with equitable access to the curriculum.
What is false! Differentiating instruction requires flexible grouping of students to address specific needs. Small group instruction for ELs is only one example.
These are the top 5 languages spoken at LOSD
What are Chinese/Mandarin, Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chuukese
ELD should be taught at this time of day.
What is every day, everywhere, and in every content area (Integrated) and at protected times (Designated)?
There are _____ components of the ELPA standards.
What are ten?
Designated and Integrated ELD are?
What is Pull Out and Push In English Language Development (ELD) support?
My role as ELD Specialist is to provide ELD instruction to every English Learner at LOSD.
What is False? While I may work directly with students in Designated ELD pull-out groups and in small groups integrated in your classroom, my role includes supporting teachers' implementation of ELD instruction and best practices for ELs, monitoring ELs academci progress, assessment and maintenance of data/records for multilingual students, parent outreach, representation of school/multilingual population at district level, etc. etc. etc.