Who was Mr Oliver? What was his usual leisure activity?

Mr Oliver was an Anglo-Indian teacher, who was teaching in a school, located on the outskirts of the hill-station of Simla. He was a bachelor and would usually stroll into the Simla Bazaar town located three miles from the school, and would return after dark by taking a shortcut through the pine forest.


Which woman is referred to in the beginning of the story? What had happened to her?

Answer: The woman was the mother of three children, John, Kate and Maggie. She was an alcoholic and despised because of her idleness and addiction to liquor. She had fallen upon the threshold of her own door in a drunken fit, and died in the presence of her frightened little children.


While the poet was wandering, what did he see and where did he see them?

Answer: The poet saw a host of golden daffodils while he was wandering. He saw the daffodils growing beside the lake, beneath the trees.


Give the meaning of the word’ Kritam’ in Tamil.

 Kritam in Tamil means ‘coronet’ or ‘crown


3. Describe Bassanio’s financial condition and how it came to be.

Bassanio admits to economic distress. He has lived lavishly without the means to support his lifestyle. He refers to his lifestyle as “prodigal,” a Biblical allusion to the prodigal son. He speaks all this to Antonio because they are good friends and because Bassanio has already borrowed a sum of money from Antonio. (1.1.122-134)


Why did he take a shortcut while returning?

Ans. Mr Oliver was returning to school at night after spending time in Shimla bazaar. He was quite bold and did not worry about the terrible sounds made by the pine trees when the strong winds blew. Oliver took the shortcut as he wanted to reach the school in less time


After her death, why did her neighbour’s attitude change?

woman died leaving her three poor children. After her death, they were helpless
and in poor condition. The neighbours also felt pity and their attitude changed
for them as they had no food and clothes. They were alone, had no one to take
care of them. Death touches the spring of the common humanity.


With what does the poet compare the daffodils? Explain the resemblance.

Ans. The poet is enchanted by the sight of the daffodils, shining beautifully in the sun and so he compares the daffodils with the stars that shine and twinkle in the Milky Way. The poet says that the flowers were countless and stretched continuously along the edge of the lake as the stars in the Milky Way.


Describe the ‘Big House’.

Answer: The Big House was the only sophisticated residence in the village made from brick and cement. It was painted in a brilliant yellow and blue colour. There were paintings of gods and gargoyles on several posts.


Bassanio does not want Antonio to commit to the loan. Why does Antonio accept the terms despite Bassanio’s hesitation?

Antonio is certain of his investments. He expects to earn three times the loan within two months, a full month before the 3,000 ducats must be repaid.


What was called ‘Eton of the East’? Why?

The all-boys school in Shimla, in which Mr Oliver was a teacher has been called ‘Eton of the East.’

Eton college is one of the most reputable  and expensive English boarding school for boys in Eton, Berkshire, near Windsor(UK). Mr Oliver’s school was called ‘Eton of the East’ because the school had been run on English public school lines and the boys, were mostly from wealthy Indian families.


How many children did the woman have? Describe them.

Answer: The woman had three children. The first one was John, the oldest, a boy of twelve years, was a stout lad, able to earn his living with any farmer. The second one was Kate, between ten and eleven years was a bright, active girl, out of whom something clever might be made. The third one was poor little Maggie, the youngest, who was hopelessly diseased. She had injured her spine after a fall from a window, two years before and was now bedridden


Why does the poet says- “Ten thousand saw I at a glance”? What literary device is used here and why?

Ans.. The literary device used here is ‘hyperbole’. The poet has used this literary device to stress the number of daffodils in more presentable manner and to reveal the impact it has laid on him and to give a better vision of the scene.


Describe the statue of the horse.

Answer: The statue of the horse was life-sized and moulded out of clay. It was as white as a dhobi washed sheet and had on its back a cover of pure brocade of red and black lace.


Explain why Shylock feels justified in disliking Antonio.

At first Shylocks says he hates Antonio because he is a Christian. Then he says that what he dislikes more than Antonio’s Christianity is Antonio’s policy not to charge interest on loans. Antonio not charging for loans drives down the interest Shylock can charge when he lends money. Shylock then elaborates on his first grudge against the merchant: Antonio hates Jewish people and he speaks unkindly about Shylock to the other merchants. Shylock says forgiving Antonio would be a betrayal of the Jewish nation.


Why do you think the boy was called a miscreant? In what condition  was he found by Oliver?

A miscreant is a person who has done some mischief. Boys were  not supposed to be out after dark. Thus the boy sitting alone on the rock in the night forced the author to call him a miscreant.


Why was Maggie bedridden? Which shelter was suggested for her?

Maggie the youngest child of the woman had fallen from a window and had injured
her spine which made her bedridden.
One of the villagers suggested sending her to the poorhouse. They thought it
would be the best place for her, they would take care of her properly.


How did the daffodils outdo the waves?

Ans. The poet says that the sparkling waves danced in the breeze, but the beauty of the bright daffodils surpassed their beauty. The daffodils seemed to dance with the breeze with much more liveliness and their sight seemed happier than the waves which did not bring as much joy as the yellow flowers.


How did Muni’s wife react when she saw the money?

Answer: Muni’s wife was furious on seeing the hundred rupee note and accused Muni of stealing it. She threatened to leave him and return to her parents’ house.


Who are the suitors that Nerissa names, and, in a sentence, what does Portia conclude about each man?

. The Neapolitan prince is obsessed with horsemanship. 

b. Count Palatine displays an “unmannerly sadness.” c. Monsieur Le Bon imitates everyone and seems to lack his own personality.

 d. Falconbridge has no class. He has no command of language and poor taste in dress. 

e. The Scottish lord lacks common sense. 

f. The Duke of Saxony is a drunk.


What kind of man was Mr. Oliver as described earlier by the author? How did he prove himself opposite of this description?

Answer (v): In the beginning of the story the author describes Oliver to be a courageous man who did not believe in existence of supernatural things. He was the only person who could dare to take shortcut route through the pine forest late in the night even in a stormy weather.

Later towards the end of the story when Oliver saw the boy with a featureless face, he was horrified and seemed to be in the grip of unknown fear. The torch he was holding fell from his trembling hand and he ran blindly through the trees calling for help. This incident shows that when Oliver was in real danger, he got overwhelmed with unknown fear, could not think rationally and reacted like a coward. His behaviour was quite opposite of what was portrayed earlier about him being a daring personality.


Discuss how we can say that love can redeem over any other thing in this world.


~ In
the story Mrs Thompson was portrayed as a hard or stone-hearted, ill-tempered
woman, who was mad at her husband as he had brought the little bedridden girl
or the sick brat in their home. But later her hatred was redeemed by the love
of that little girl. She started loving her, caring for her. The love of the
angel redeems her.


What does the use of the phrase ‘inward eye’ imply here?

Ans. The author imagines the daffodils in his spiritual vision, for which he uses the metaphor of an “inward eye.” This means that the poet imagined in his mind the beautiful picture of the dancing daffodils and shining waves which became a part of his being.


Explain why Muni spoke about the murder with the foreigner.

Answer: Muni mistook the foreigner’s khaki dress and thought the foreigner was a policeman who had arrived to investigate the dead body that was found on the border of Kritam and a neighbouring village. Muni thought that the foreigner had come to arrest him.


Identify the two settings established by Act 1, and the conflict established for each setting

The main plot is set in Venice. Bassanio is in debt but would like the means to court a virtuous lady, so he asks his friend, Antonio, for another loan. This second loan puts Antonio’s life in danger. Belmont, a fictional place out in the country, is the setting for the sub-plot. Eligible bachelors flock to Portia. Any man wanting to wed her must adhere to the wishes of her deceased father by selecting one of three caskets
