Jekyll & Hyde Quotations
Jekyll & Hyde Plot
Macbeth Quotations
Macbeth Plot
Relevant Context

The oxymoronic phrase that describes how Jekyll kills the girl. 

"trampled calmly"


At what point in the novella is the reader provided with Henry Jekyll's confession or explanation?

The end / Chapter 10


What two animals are Macbeth and Banquo compared to at the start of the play?

Eagles and lions ("as sparrows eagles or the hare the lion")


How many men reign as King of Scotland throughout the play?

Three: King Duncan, Macbeth, Malcolm.


What contextual details might you link to when analysing the setting of Jekyll and Hyde?

The gothic / crime in London

This quotation dehumanises Hyde and portrays his animalistic qualities.

"with ape-like fury"


Which character does Jekyll’s will initially specify as his heir to receive all his possessions?

Mr Hyde


Which quotation from Macbeth's soliloquy show that he recognises the consequences of regicide? 

"The deep damnation of his taking off"


What happens to Lady Macbeth before she dies?

She sleepwalks and almost re-enacts her mockery of Macbeth's courage.


Why was regicide considered sinful for Jacobean audiences?

The Divine Right of Kings - belief that kings were directly chosen by God


This simile turns into a metaphor later in the novella, when Utterson dreams about Mr Hyde.

"like some damned Juggernaut" --> that human Juggernaut"


How do the characters in the novella describe Hyde?

They say he is ugly and deformed but cannot say or pin down exactly why.

Even though Lady Macbeth tells him that "A little water clears us of this deed" after he commits regicide, what hyperbolic question does Macbeth ask to express how severe his actions are?
"Will all Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?"

What does Malcolm convince Macduff of in Act 4, Scene 1?

That he would make a worse king than Macbeth


What is Macbeth's hamartia? How is it foreshadowed in Act 1?

His hamartia is his ambition - he even recognises that it is the only thing motivating him to kill the king and explicitly states the consequences of a "deep damnation", yet chooses to act on it, which could be what ultimately leads to his downfall.


This quotation establishes Henry Jekyll as a respectable Victorian gentleman.

"a large well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty"


What is the contrast in Jekyll and Hyde's living quarters, externally? (i.e. how it looks as you walk by)

The back, where Hyde enters, is dilapidated and neglected, whereas the front, where Jekyll enters, is more welcoming.


Macbeth’s hubris, inspired by the witches’ prophecies, has made him delusional, as he is unable to recognise the superiority of Malcolm’s army.

"our castle's strength / Will laugh a siege to scorn"


What was the weather like the night Duncan was murdered?

Stormy and violent - even nature was abnormal (


What contextual details might you use to develop an analysis of Jekyll's duplicitous characterisation? What is Stevenson trying to reveal about Victorian society?

He could be seen to represent the hypocritical nature of Victorian society, where it was common for people to behave in a moralistic way in polite society, only to behave immorally themselves in private. Stevenson may be using the character of Jekyll to suggest that we are influenced and formed by the society in which we live.


These two metaphors reveal the freedom and invincibility Jekyll confesses he feels when he is Hyde.

"sea of liberty" and "impenetrable mantle"


Why does Jekyll/Hyde decide to commit suicide? (Three possible ideas here!)

1. For the betterment of society - to rid the world of further inhumanity or evil

2. For selfish reasons - to escape the punishment / consequences of his actions 

3. To physically free Jekyll from the uncontrollable transformations into Hyde


When Macduff is told about his family's murder at the hands of the tyrant, how does he respond when Malcolm tells him to "Dispute [his grief and sadness] like a man"?

"I must also feel it as a man"


What are the three things that the Porter say come from drinking alcohol?

'nose-painting' (turning red), falling asleep, urine 


What might a Freudian reading of Utterson's obsession with Hyde reveal?

Perhaps Utterson is obsessed with Hyde because Hyde represents the evil that is repressed within him - his strange recognition of himself in Hyde, and his inability to comprehend Hyde may be Stevenson’s suggestion that humans repress those ‘id’-like desires within themselves.
