What is the capital of British Columbia?
What is the name of my hometown?
I am big and covered in fur. I have two antlers with lots of spikes. I live in the woods and eat grass or bark from trees. I am bigger than a deer.
While visiting in the mountains in British Columbia you can go________ up the mountain
How old am I?
I am 24 years old.
What is British Columbia`s greatest export?
What is Sparwood known for? (Hint: this is a physical object.)
Giant Greent Truck named the Titan.
I live in rivers and lakes. I have two front teeth and big flat tail. I live a semi-aquatic life between water and land.
In British Columbia we like to take our _____ or _____ and go out on the rivers or lakes or even the ocean.
Canoes or boats. Going canoeing or boating is a fun activity during the summer.
I speak two languages what are they?
Japanese and English
What is British Columbia known for?
Forests, Ocean, mountains, lakes, islands, and skiing.
What is Sparwoods greatest export?
I am bigger then a human and I am covered in fur. I eat fish, berries, insects, and roots I dig up from the ground. I climb trees and you do not see me during the winter. Who am I?
When visiting the rivers, lakes, and ocean during the summer people like to ______ in them.
Swim. Swimming during the summer expecially in BC is always fun.
My favourite animal is a what?
In British Columbia how much area does the forest take of the province?
How many people do you think live in Sparwood?
4000 people live in Sparwood
I am a giant cat that lives in the woods. I climb trees and can run very fast. I have a lot of names associated with me. I eat elk, deer and any animal I can get. I like to ambush my prey
Cougar, Puma, Mountain Lion
Hiking is not the only way to get up the mountain sometimes we take our all terrain vehicles and go ________.
Quading. My family does this activity often.
One of my hobbies is? Pick the one you think is correct.
Video Games, skateboarding, drawing, fighting bears
Video games
In British Columbia Canada there is a weird race we hold. Is it (pick one)
Deer Racing, Moose racing, Tractor racing, Bathtub racing
Bathtub Racing
Is Sparwood located by the mountains or the ocean?
I swim in the water and I have sharp teeth. I swim in pods and like to eat seals. I am black and white and I am huge.
Killer whale, you can see them when you go visit Vancouver or Victoria.
During the winter people like to going fishing on the ice also known as ___________.
Ice fishing
Daily double you can win double points if you can tell me what my pet is and his name.
A golden labrador named Boomer