Appropriate Questions
General Vocab
Story Order
Leadership Vocab

There was not enough money.

A) Had the girl enough money? 

B) How much money had she?

C) What are there?

D) What is enough?

E) How much money was there?

E) How much money was there?


(n.) one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience

1) novice

2) subservient

3) infraction

4) disavow

1) novice


Shane and Jayden (catch/catches) the train together.



I. Upset and tired I came back home.

II. But when I came to the store it was closed for some unknown reason.

III. There was an exhibition of new fashionable goods at the Department Store.

IV. My visit was a failure.

V. I took some money and went there for I wanted to buy some things for myself.




A) The ability to quickly adapt to new situations 

B) The skill of maintaining a positive attitude in all circumstances

C) The tendency to avoid challenges and seek comfort

D) The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties 

D) The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties


Lincoln was President during the Civil War. In this critical period Lincoln led the fight to keep the nation together and to free the slaves.

A) When was Lincoln born?

B) What kind of man was he?

C) In what place of the United Kingdom has the memorial been built?

D) What did Lincoln lead during the Civil War?

E) When did the North win?

D) What did Lincoln lead during the Civil War?


(adj.) done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; making demands on one's skill or abilities, ambitious

1) austere

2) nebulous

3) pretentious

4) infraction 

3) pretentious


One of the girls (is/are) lying.



1. We ran to the car, but we had been wet before we reached it.

2. Yesterday our family went to the country for a picnic.

3. When we began to eat, a small black cloud appeared.

4. Mother and I took the food out of the picnic basket, and we all sat down on the grass.

5. Then suddenly it began raining very hard.  




A) The capacity to remain indifferent in stressful situations

B) The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

C) The skill of providing practical solutions to problems 

D) The tendency to assert one's own needs and desires 

B) The ability to understand and share the feelings of another


Richard and his girl were late for the performance. When they got to the theatre the play had already begun.

A) When did they come to the theatre?

B) How did they get to the theatre?

C) Who was late?

D) Who plays the leading part?

E) Where did they go after the performance?

A) When did they come to the theatre?


(adj.) conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used particularly in an unfavorable sense) 

1) debase

2) astute

3) disconcert

4) egregious

4) egregious


Some of the milk (has/have) spilled.


1. It is a fine old city.

2. From the station they can see the splendid view of Princess Street.

3. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

4. The train bringing visitors to Edinburgh runs right into the heart of the city.

5. Half way along Princess Street is a tall monument to Sir Walter Scott, a well-known Scottish writer.

6. Then a little farther on is the Floral Clock, which is made of growing flowers.




A) The capacity to lead others through example 

B) The tendency to seek approval from others 

C) The ability to affect or change someone's thoughts or behavior

D) A strong desire to maintain personal integrity 

C) The ability to affect or change someone's thoughts or behavior


It is not difficult for Pete to get to the stadium. He walks down the street as far as the corner, then he takes bus number 3 and goes to the cinema. When he gets off he crosses the street. The stadium is not far from the bus stop. It takes him 25 minutes to get to the stadium by bus.

A) Where does Pete usually go in his free time?

B) How long does it take him to get to there?

C) Is it difficult for Pete to get to the stadium?

D) How long and how does he get to the place?

E) Where is the stadium situated?

D) How long and how does he get to the place?


deserving blame, worthy of condemnation 

1) concoct

2) culpable

3) gauntlet

4) mitigate

2) culpable


Fish and Chips (is/are) my favourite meal.



1. Much of them are exported.

2. In the Middle West very much grain is grown.

3. American agriculture produces more food products than any other capitalist country.

4. Poultry - farming and vegetable - growing are concentrated in the country-side near all the big cities.

5. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all the year round from the southern regions, especially Florida, from California and south - western States.

6. The highlands in the west of the country are famous for their cattle-farming. 




A) Willingness to accept consequences for one's actions

B) Responsibility for one's actions and decisions

C) Tendency to work independently without supervision

D) Capacity to learn from mistakes and grow

B) Responsibility for one's actions and decisions


A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his native language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child and some children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. At school it is not so easy to learn a second language, because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects.

A) Why is it easier to learn a foreign language for grown-ups than for little?

B) Why do children learn a second language first?

C) Parents don't want their children to learn a second language, do they?

D) Why is it difficult to learn a second language at school?

E) Why doesn't school curriculum pay attention to foreign language teaching?

D) Why is it difficult to learn a second language at school?


(n.) the act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage

1) consternation

2) relegate

3) restitution

4) astute 

3) restitution


My family, who do not see me often, (has/have) asked me home for Christmas.


1. As it was almost a holiday event for the family we were in our best frocks.

2. You guessed right, the holiday was spoiled.

3. The day on which Daddy took us to the Zoo was a very bright and lovely Sunday.

4. Suddenly a car pushed past us, splashing us with dirty sprays of water from the nearest pool.

5. The Zoo being close to our house we walked there.

6. We had been looking forward to go there for the whole week

