Commonly Confused Words
More Commonly Confused Words
Subject Verb Agreement

Edit the following sentence:

We went to the store, and than to a movie.

We went to the store, and then to a movie.


Than is a conjunction used to compare two things. 

Then is usually an adverb indicating time.


Allusion or illusion?

The president made an ______ to a possible wage increase after the state decides on a budget.

The president made an allusion to a possible wage increase after the state decides on a budget.


An allusion is an indirect reference to something.

An illusion is a perception.


Edit this sentence with appropriate punctuation:

Like most summer camps this one offers swimming canoeing and hiking

Like most summer camps, this one offers swimming, canoeing, and hiking.


Which is the correct verb based on the subject?

The United States still (produces, produce) a majority of the world’s food supply.

The United States still produces a majority of the world’s food supply.


Subject = The United States (It)


Choose the best synonym for the italicized word:

When their nine-year-son did not return to the picnic shelter at the expected time, the parents became frantic

very worried or very confused

very worried


Edit the following sentence:

They're dog is over their digging through the trash.

Their dog is over there digging through the trash.


Their is a pronoun that is plural possessive. 

There is a word that means place. 

They’re is a contraction that means they are.


Whose or who's?

Chester, ____ phone hadn’t stopped ringing all morning, barely ate anything for breakfast.

Chester, whose phone hadn’t stopped ringing all morning, barely ate anything for breakfast.


Who’s is a contraction of "who is."

Whose is a possessive pronoun that means "belonging to [someone]."


Edit this sentence with appropriate punctuation:

Twain s real name was Samuel Clemens but he is best known by his pen name

Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens, but he is best known by his pen name.


Which is the correct verb based on the subject?

Modern farms (has, have) become more efficient than ever.

Modern farms have become more efficient than ever.


Subject = farms (they)


Choose the best synonym for the italicized word:

Speech-making is not one of my strong points; writing poetry, however, is my forte

special skill or weak point

special skill


Which to, two, or too?

_____ many times, students go ____ their adviser ____ set up their classes, but only have ____ of their five classes picked out.

Too many times, students go to their adviser to set up their classes, but only have two of their five classes picked out.


To is a preposition indicating direction. 

Too is an adverb meaning in addition or also. 

Two is a number.


Its or it's?

Posey needs to pack for her trip because ____ only two days away.

Posey needs to pack for her trip because it’s only two days away.


It’s is a contraction of "it is."

Its is a possessive pronoun that means “belonging to it."


Edit this sentence with appropriate punctuation:

We stepped into the dark theater then we waited a moment for our eyes to adjust before looking for a seat

We stepped into the dark theater; then, we waited a moment for our eyes to adjust before looking for a seat


Which is the correct verb based on the subject?

Efficient pest control (has, have) reduced crop loss.

Efficient pest control has reduced crop loss.


Subject = control (it)


Choose the best synonym for the italicized word:

Despite their lower ranking, our team showed their mettle in a tough game with the powerful Bobcats. 

strength and courage or offense and defense

strength and courage


Which your or you're?

_______ clothes will wrinkle if __________ not careful with the drying cycle you choose.

Your clothes will wrinkle if you’re not careful with the drying cycle you choose.


Your is a pronoun that is second person possessive. 

You’re is a contraction that means you are.


Farther or further?

Chester is _______ away from finishing his project than Posey is.

Chester is further away from finishing his project than Posey is.


Farther refers to physical distance. 

Further refers to metaphorical distance.


Edit this sentence with appropriate punctuation:

The mournful tune began with this line Yesterday is but a sweet memory

The mournful tune began with this line: “Yesterday is but a sweet memory.”


Which is the correct verb based on the subject?

Despite all of these advances, the number of farms (grows, grow) smaller every year.

Despite all of these advances, the number of farms grows smaller every year.


Subject: number (it)


Choose the best synonym for the italicized word:

We watched the bird preen, or smooth and clean its feathers, for several minutes. 

sing or groom



Which is who and which is whom?

_______ is responsible for the research on this group project?

We assigned research to _______ for this group project?

Who is responsible for the research on this group project? 

We assigned research to whom for this group project?


Who is a pronoun used as the subject of a sentence. 

Whom is a pronoun used as a direct object.

As a general rule, if you can substitute “she” then “who” is the appropriate choice. If you can substitute “her” then “whom” is the appropriate choice.


Affect or effect?

Chester’s humming ______ Posey’s ability to concentrate.

Chester’s humming affected Posey’s ability to concentrate.


If you find yourself stumped about which one to use in a sentence, try substituting the word “alter” or “result.” If “alter” fits, use affect. If “result” fits, use effect.


Edit this sentence with appropriate punctuation:

  1. George Gershwin s musical Of Thee I Sing 1931 written over sixty years ago is still popular our local playhouse performed it just last year

  1. George Gershwin’s musical Of Thee I Sing (1931), written over sixty years ago, is still popular; our local playhouse performed it just last year.


Which is the correct verb based on the subject?

Large corporations (has, have) purchased many of the successful farms.

Large corporations have purchased many of the successful farms.


Subject = corporations (they)


Choose the best synonym for the italicized word:

The book reviewer’s remarks were scathing; for example, he said that the characters were as flat as cardboard cutouts. 

harshly critical or impressive

harshly critical
