Name 3 things you have in your pencil case
pencil, pen, ruler, glue stick, scissors, etc.
J'ai un chien et deux chats.
I have one dog and two cats
Show me your hands and fingers
les mains et les doigts
How old are you? (Answer in a phrase)
I am ___ years old.
What are 3 school subjects you may have?
English, Math, French, Art, Science, Technology, etc.
Nous sommes aujourd'hui le dix mars deux mille vingt-cinq.
Today is March tenth, two thousand twenty-five (March 10th, 2025)
How many fingers and how many toes do you have?
10 fingers and 10 toes
Finish the sentence: The boy lost __ pencil.(hers/his/mine/its)
Where do you live?
I live in Vernon, France
Where do you sit in class?
On a chair or at a desk
Demain, je mangerai du fromage et je boirai du café
Tomorrow, I'll eat cheese and drink coffee
Where is your stomach and back?
le ventre et le dos
Name 3 sports
Football, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc.
How many brothers and sisters do you have and what are their names? (answer in a full sentence)
I have ___ brothers and ___ sisters. Their names are ___.
Name 3 ways you may travel/go to school
By bus, walking, by bike, scooter, by car, etc.
Pour mes loisirs, je joue du piano et je nage.
For my hobbies, I play the piano and I swim.
Show me your teeth and tongue
Les dents et la langue
What countries are in the United Kingdom?
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
When is your birthday? Answer with a full phrase!
My birthday is April 15th, 2002 (for example)
Name 5 school supplies items in this room now.
Computer, desk, chair, backpack, pencil, pen, highlighter, screen, etc.
J'ai très faim ce matin
I am very hungry this morning
Show me: your elbow, your knee, and your chin
coude, genou et menton
What are the 7 colors of the rainbow?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo (pink), Violet/Purple
Tell me what clothes you are wearing today, be specific!
Today I am wearing... a blue shirt, jeans, white shoes, and a black backpack (for example)