The physical changes can affects the color, size and shapes?True or false.
What Is the impact of humans in nature?
Bad, because they cut trees also they build resorts and in consequence they kill habits of animals.
How Is called the art that they use shapes?
Geometric Art.
Say an example of a smaller goal?
Who are the top 5 clubs with More Champions?
R.M, Milán, Liverpool, Bayern Munich and Barcelona.
Emulsifiers can be in products like medicines? Yes or no.
What Is desertification?
Is when plants die and a savanna transforms into a desert.
How might art and math be related?
By doing shapes in the paints and drawings.
How could visual aids help my presentations?
For catch the interest of the people how are seeing.
How many Champions have the Celtics?
Physical changes can do and object return to a other state?
Which country have the most dense of trees cover?
How Is music measured?
By tempos.
How do I know I am reading enough?
Because I know more about a topic and I have a better writing.
How are the soccer players with more Champions League?
Nacho, Paco, Dani and Toni.
How can soft water affect my health?
Because they higher sodium levels can increase blood pressure.
Where Is the Atacama Desert?
In Chile
Italy words are sudes to express the different tempos. Largo Is one of them so who many beats per minute It produces?
40-66 beats per minute.
What Is the method S.M.A.R.T?
Is to do goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and Time bound.
Kylian Mbappe in what club he Is gonna play?
What do they include the called browning reactions?
The Maillard reaction; Caramelization and Ensymatic Browning
What are the different layers of rainforest?
Forest Floor, Understory Layer, Canopy Layer nad Emergent Layer.
In what year Geometric Abstraction was having its beginnings?
A) 1914 b) 1867 c) 1889
In 1914
How much do you need to do something to become a habit?
21 days.
How are the top 5 soccer players of R.M with More goals FOR the club?
Cristiano, Karim, Raúl, Di Stefano and satillana