How to spell her name
What element is about what a characters wearing
What is missing
I like dogs
A full stop
Is diary writing is past, present or future tense.
Past tense
How to spell what's under the Christmas tree
What does a low angle affect a picture
Weak, not powerful and scared
What is wrong
There food is getting cold.
Its the wrong there its meant to be their.
What is dairy writing called
A form of personal writing of thoughts, feelings, experiences and events.
How to spell ❄️
What does the colour blue usually represent
What is missing
The colours red blue and yellow are primary colours.
Air conditioning
Why are some characters in the background instead of foreground
They are less important or aren't main characters
What is wrong
hi my name is ruby.
Capitals and a comma
What type of connectives do you use to describe times in diary writing
Time connectives.
How to spell 🦄🦄
List all 8 graphic novel elements
1. Colour 2. Lighting 3. Size and Positioning 4.Objects and symbolism 5.Angle and direction 6. Body language 7. Layout 8. Clothing
What is missing
hi amelia i would like parmesan cheese spaghetti
Capitals, full stop and comma
What is a paragraph of verses called.