Unscramble the letters:
What will happen if you don't study for the exam?
I won't pass if I don't study for the exam.
Answer the question:
Why are you painting a picture?
Because I love painting.
It stops raining, she go out.
If it stops raining, she will go out.
What is a Pharaoh?
An ancient Egyptian king.
Unscramble the letters:
Unscramble the following word:
Make a question from the answer:
Because the puppy felt lonely.
Why did the puppy cry?
When do the puppy eaten the lunch? Because he was hungry.
Why did the puppy eat the lunch? Because he was hungry.
What are canopic jars?
Jars used to store certain organs during mummification.
Unscramble the letters:
Make a conditional sentence with the following:
Guts win lottery
buy car
If Guts wins the lottery, he will buy a car.
Why was the math book sad?
Because it had too many problems.
Order the steps correctly (next, first, finally, after that, then):
______ eat the banana.
______ get a banana.
______ throw away the peel.
______ peel the banana.
______ slice the banana.
First, get a banana.
Then peel the banana.
Next, slice the banana.
After that, eat the banana.
Finally, throw away the peel.
What are pyramids?
Pyramids were tombs for Pharao’s
Unscramble the letters:
What will happen if you don't excercise?
I won't be healthy if I don't excercise.
I won't _______ if I don't excercise.
Unscramble the following letters:
You will caught a cold if you didn't dried your clothes.
You will catch a cold if you don't dry your clothes.
Who weighed your heart against a feather to determine if you would live forever?
Unscramble the letters:
Make a conditional sentence with the following words:
Tune go to sleep early
pay attention class
If Tune doesn't go to sleep early, he won't pay attention in class.
Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?
Because it had nobody to go with.
If you is not careful, you are cut yourself.
If you are not careful, you will cut yourself.
Who would eat your heart if the feather was heavier?