What is the plural of "person"?
What is the definition of synonym?
What is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word
The children was/were eating lunch.
The woman/women is talking.
The stars at night are big and bright...
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Give an example of when to use a comma
What is between independent clauses or when a pause is needed
What is the definition of antonym?
What is a word opposite in meaning to another
What is the seventh month of the year?
What word is the opposite of "safe"?
Somebody once told me...
The world is gonna roll me
Can you pass the potatoes please?
Is this formal or informal language?
What is formal language
What is a synonym for the word necessary?
Name five pieces of furniture you can find in a bedroom
Bed, wardrobe, bookcase, desk, chair, chest of drawers
What is the plural of fish?
What is fish
Now this is a story all about how...
My life got flipped, turned upside down
What is the most commonly used word in the English language?
What is the
What is a synonym for the word foundation?
What is structure
What is the plural of the word "tooth"?
Name 4 sports that have the word "ball" in the word.
Basketball, Football, Baseball, Handball, Volleyball...
Do you have the time...
To listen to me whine
What is the plural of "mouse"?
What is an antonym for the word anxious?
What is carefree
What is the capital of England?
Rearrange the sentence:
my goes sometimes the friend to pool
My friend sometimes goes to the pool.
I don't know bout you...
But I'm feeling twenty-two
Name one country that starts with the letter "J."
Japan, Jordan, Jamaica...
List 3 synonyms for the word friend
What is companion, buddy, confidant, or amigo
Name 4 continents.
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia
I moved/have moved to Sweden last year.
Give me a sign...
Hit me baby one more time
Name all the planets in English.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
List 3 antonyms for the word smile
What is frown, scowl, pout
Name 3 countries that start with the letter "B."
Botswana, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bahrain, Brazil, Bangladesh...
What is a group of words that lacks a subject?
What is an incomplete sentence?
Cotton candy, sweetie go...
Let me see that tootsie roll
What is the most commonly used letter in the English language?
It is used in 1/8 of all words!
What is an antonym for the word befriend?
What is reject or snub
What is the capital of Ireland?
What are the 8 parts of speech?
My milkshake..
brings all the boys to the yard
What animal name has the most letters?
What is Southeast Asian Soldier Fly
What is a synonym for the word opportunity?
What is a chance or moment
Name four animals that live in the savanna
Lion, leopard, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, zebra...
Say this number correctly: 2,576,800,500.
Two billion, five hundred and seventy-six million, eight hundred thousand, (and) five hundred.
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba...
Sithi uhm ingonyama...