What do you use to mark a short vowel?
How do you mark a long vowel?
What is a silent letter?
A letter in a word that is not pronounced when speaking.
I don’t respect anybody who can’t tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke.
What part of speech is Pepsi?
Proper Noun
Turn the phrase "to walk" into a gerund.
What are the short vowels in the word "applicable"?
What are the long vowels in the word island?
What is the silent letter in the word "brine."
The "e" in brine.
Erin accidentally created a new universe.
What part of speech is accidentally?
What's another way to say, "She began to walk the dog," using a gerund?
She began walking the dog.
What are some indications that a vowel is short in a word?
If it is between two consonants
If there isn't a silent "e" at the end of the word
What are some indications that a vowel is long in a word?
The vowel is placed at the end of the word
It has an open syllable
The vowel sounds exactly as it does in the alphabet
What is the silent letter in the word, "application?"
The "o" in application.
The crowd yells and screams for more memes.
What part of speech is screams?
He began poking her in the shoulder until he saw his mom walking back to the car.
Turn the gerund "poking" into an infinitive verb.
He began to poke her in the shoulder until he saw his mom walking back to the car.
How can you turn the "i" in "pine" into a short vowel?
Remove the silent "e" and it turns into the word "pin."
How can you turn the "o" in "rot" into a long vowel?
Add an "e" and it becomes "rote."
What is the purpose of the silent letter? How does it change a word?
It determines if a vowel will be long or short?
It helps words in the English language aesthetically.
When I cook spaghetti, I like to boil it a few minutes past al dente so the noodles are super slippery.
What part of speech is "to boil"?
Infinitive Verb
I contemplated driving to work today.
The gerund is followed by what part of speech in this sentence?