Fact or opinion.
Story elements
Compare And Contrast
Text Features

Which is NOT a fact?

A. Elephants have long noses.

B. Dolphins are mammals.

C. Dogs are the cutest pet ever!

What is C?


What is the turning point of the story called?

What is climax?


What is the definition of compare?

What are two or more things that are alike?


What type of poem has three lines where the 1st and 3rd lines have 5 syllables and the second line has 7 syllables?

What is a haiku?


What text feature is at the beginning of a non-fiction book listing different sections of it?

What is a table of contents?


Is this fact or opinion?

Dolphins are the most hideous animal in the world.

What is opinion?


What is the thing leading up to the climax?

What is rising action?


What is the definition of contrast?

What are two or more things that are different?


What type of poem has 5 lines, the 1st, 2nd, and 5th one rhyme and the 3rd and 4th rhyme? These poems are also usually silly and rarely make much sense when being compared to the real world.

What is a limerick?


What text feature is under photographs describing the image?

What is caption?


Fact or opinion?

There are 36 species of dolphin.

What is fact?


What is the thing leading down to the resolution?

What is falling action?


Is this compare or contrast?

There are two different types of plants. Annual and Perennial. Annual flowers bloom repeatedly, require replanting, and only survive one season. On the other hand, Perennial flowers last many seasons, don't require replanting, and bloom during the second season.

What is contrast?


What type of poem has one word going vertically on the left side of the paper, with words coming out of each letter to help describe the word you chose?

What is an acrostic poem?


What text feature is like a mini-title separating different subjects in a non-fiction book?

What is a header?


What is the definition of fact?

What is something that can be proven?

What is another word for resolution?

What is solution?


Is this compare or contrast?

There are many different ways people get alligators and crocodiles confused. Alligators have wider, U-shaped snouts and darker color scales. Crocodiles have a V-shaped snout and lighter scales, usually light grey or an olive color.

What is contrast?


What figurative language compares using like or as?

What is a simile?


What text feature is at the end of a non-fiction book listing different words in the book that were bolded and lists them in alphabetical order.

What is an index?


What is the definition of opinion?

What is someone's personal thoughts about something?


What is it called when the characters and setting gets introduced in the beginning of the story?

What is exposition?


Is this compare or contrast?

Oak trees and birch trees. Both of these trees grow in the ground, while some other species of trees grow in water. Both of them have long trunks. They also have thick layer of bark to protect them from harsh climates and even animals.

What is compare?


What is a sentence that makes you think in your mind what it looks like, what it might sound like, or sometimes even smell like.

What is imagery?


What text feature shows the world and has a key so you can identify different aspects of the world and different places?

What is a map?
