EOC terms
Figurative Language
Context Clues & Citing
Author's Craft
More Author's Craft
"I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!" is an example of...
What is hyperbole?
"Toby manipulated the people in his life as though they were chess pieces" is an example of...
What is simile?
The curling iron was so hot that Martha singed her hair when she tried using it. What is the meaning of the word singed, as used in the sentence?
What is fried/burned?
"The waffles worsened while the waiter waited" is an example of...
What is alliteration?
"An old lump of snow melted in the corner" & "The chirping crickets filled the empty night air" are examples of...
What is imagery?
What tone is represented in the following passage? "Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per hour, that car can almost fly!"
What is excited?
"She was fairly certain that life was a fashion show" is an example of...
What is metaphor?
Max was sick of quarreling with his wife about money when all he wanted to do was enjoy her company. What is the meaning of quarreling as used in the sentence?
What is arguing?
What is the point of view? First, wash your hands and gather all of your materials. Once you’ve done that, follow all of the directions in your cookbook. Put the crispy treats in the oven and cook for 30-35. While your treats cook you might want to clean your work space. When you take the treats out of the oven, pour the honey and lemon sauce on immediately. Once treats are cooled, you and your friends can enjoy.
What is second person?
The narrator’s attitude toward his or her subject is called...
What is tone?
Read & determine the type of irony: A mean old man ate a large meal at a restaurant. The waitress tried to provide him with excellent service, but every time she brought him a dish, he complained. First he thought that the soup was too cold when it was hot. Then he said that his steak was dry and chewy, when it was moist and succulent. Then he complained that one of her blonde hairs was in his mashed potatoes, but the hair was actually grey like his own. She remained patient and continued to try to help him until the end of the meal, when he left her a quarter for a tip. She replied on his way out, “Thank you for the generous tip, Mister.”
What is verbal irony?
"The wind whispered through the dark and gloomy forest" is an example of...
What is personification?
True or False- When you put a quotation into your own words, you don't have to cite.
What is false?
"Click-clack, click-clack, the hoofs went past, Who takes the dead coach travels fast," Past and fast are an example of...
What is rhyme?
"And I begged the little leaves to lean Low and together for a safe screen" contains which literary device?
What is alliteration?
Mary is a freshmen at her school. As she is sitting in class in October, she thinks back to the summer, and how simple things were then. This is an example of...
What is flashback?
"The fresh out of the oven, warm, gooey apple pie filled the air with a pleasant cinnamon scent" is an example of...
What is imagery?
Daniel Frye is the author. Which paraphrase is properly cited? a. Frye suggests dogs are better than cats (Frye 197). b. Frye suggests dogs are better than cats (197). c. Frye suggests dogs are better than cats. (Frye, 197). d. Frye suggests dogs are better than cats (197).
What is D?
"Some people are calling me the Tiger Woods of miniature golf" & "Look, I’m no Mother Teresa. I’ve made my mistakes, but I’m trying" are examples of...
What is allusion?
"Those clucking chickens are driving me crazy!" & "The root beer fizzed over the top of the mug" contain examples of...
What is onomatopoeia?
The eagles soared in the sky, serving as a warning that Odysseus might return home. This warning is an example of...
What is foreshadowing?
"I’ve seen this movie at least 80,000 times" is an example of...
What is hyperbole?
Which citation is formatted correct? a. "This point has been argued before" (Frye 197). b. This point has been argued before. (Glenn Frye, 197) c. "This point has been argued before." (Frye 197) d. "This point has been argued before" (Frye, 197).
What is A?
"I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins" contains an example of...
What is repetition?
What is the correct mood definition? A. The author’s attitude toward the subject of the book. B. The emotions that the work of literature provokes in the reader. C. The way the characters in the book feel about their situation.
What is B?