12th grade Spelling
Short story structure
We read it in class. Or listened to it.
Sensory Imagery
"Murder Most Foul"

the process by which a cell divides into two smaller cells



The number of Acts/Parts in a standard short story structure. It's also the same for film structure. 



Name 2 of the 3 podcasts we listened to in class.

My Favorite Murder, Serial Killers, Forensic Files. 


How many senses do we have? The basic ones. 



This infamous American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, burglar, and necrophile, assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls (admitted himself to killing 30) during the 1970s. 

Ted Bundy


marked by temperance in indulgence



Which of these do not have be included in the first act: 

A.) Main character  

B.) Problem

C.) Antagonist 

d.) Goal

C.) Antagonist 


Who does Johnny Cade kill in The Outsiders?

Robert Sheldon


We do not want to "tell" our reader what is going on. We want to ______



This effect, coined after the TV show, is said to have changed the way many trials are presented today, in that prosecutors are pressured to deliver more forensic evidence in court. Victims and their families are coming to expect instant answers from showcased techniques such as DNA analysis and fingerprinting, when actual forensic processing often takes days or weeks, with no guarantee of revealing a "smoking gun" for the prosecution's case. 

The CSI effect


a fear of foreigners or strangers



What is another term for the two turning points in the story?

Plot Points


This story ended: 

“Personally, I think it’s right here on the premises.” “Probably right under our very noses. What you think, Jack?”

And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle.

Lamb to the Slaughter


Give me 6 words to describe the way something smells. 30 seconds... and go

Acidic, Musty, Acrid, Nauseating Airy Perfumed Biting Pungent Clean Putrid Crisp Rancid Dirty Redolent Earthy Repulsive FaintRotten Feminine Sharp Fetid Sour Fishy Spicy Floral Spoiled Flowery Stale Fresh Stinking Light Sweaty Loamy Sweet Masculine Tart Moist Wispy


Made most famous by the academy award portrayal by Anthony Hopkins, this famous book from 1988 depicts cannibalistic serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter, this time pitted against FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling.

Silence of the Lambs


the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ).




The story's climax is also the second turning point. 

False. It comes after the second plot point. 


2 chances -- What network did Forensic Files originally air on? Or what year did it first air? 

TLC - 1996 


Give me 6 words to describe the way something taste. 30 seconds... and go

  1. acidic – very sour
  2. astringent – an astringent taste is one that is strong and bitter
  3. bitter – a strong sharp taste that is not sweet
  4. bitter-sweet – tasting bitter and sweet at the same time
  5. brackish – has a slight taste of salt and is therefore not pure
  6. hot – contains a lot of spices that create a burning feeling in your mouth
  7. mature – has been left to develop a pleasant strong flavour
  8. mild – does not have a strong taste
  9. ripe – has a strong flavour
  10. robust – has a lot of flavour
  11. savoury – tasting of salt or spices and not sweet
  12. seasoned – containing seasonings to improve flavour
  13. sharp – has a strong and bitter flavour
  14. sour – with a taste like a lemon
  15. spicy – has a strong hot flavour
  16. sweet-and-sour – contains both sweet and sour flavours
  17. syrupy – thick, sweet, and sticky
  18. tart – a slightly sour taste
  19. unsalted – not flavoured with salt
  20. watery – pale, or not strong

This famous short story ends with a villager winning a raffle of sorts. Her prize: she is stoned to death.

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson


a free man who cultivates his own land



Plot Point # 2 is also known as: "The Moment of ____". 

Apparent defeat or no return


What is Dexter Morgan's boat named?

Slice of Life


The 6th or 7th senses refer to what....

Body posture and balance


Generally considered America's first serial killer, this man was was also a con artist and a bigamist, the subject of more than 50 lawsuits in Chicago alone. 

H.H. Holmes

In 2017, amid allegations Holmes had in fact escaped execution, Holmes' body was exhumed for testing. Due to his coffin being contained in cement, his body was found not to have decomposed normally. His clothes were almost perfectly preserved and his mustache was found to be intact. The body was positively identified as being that of Holmes with his teeth. Holmes was then reburie
