Parallel Construction
Complete Sentences and Colons

True or False: You should eliminate wrong answers as you work through test questions.



True or False: An apostrophe after an "s" shows possession (something belongs to someone)



Parallel or not: I like to run, hike, and swimming.

Not parallel. Should all be in same tense


True or False: A sentence must be 5 words or longer to count as a complete sentence.

False. It must express a complete thought and include both a noun (person, place, or thing) and a verb (action).


True or False: Semicolon can only be used to join 2 complete sentences (independent clauses).

True. Both sides of semicolon must be a complete sentence.

Answer yes or no: Should you answer every single question, even if you have to use an educated guess?

Yes. Answer all questions! 


Correct or incorrect: She has 5 kid's.

Incorrect. Do not use an apostrophe when showing multiple / plural.


Parallel or not: I need to go to the store, go to the post office, and hurry.

Not parallel. Needs to be re-written to match the pattern of "go to" or completely rephrased. "I urgently need to go to the store and to the post office."


Complete sentence or not: Running to the store.

No - Not a complete thought. Missing a subject who performs the action.


Correct or incorrect use of semicolon: She was running; the clerk locked the door as she approached.

Correct. Complete on both sides of semicolon.


Give an example of any word with a positive connotation.

Multiple correct


Correct or incorrect: The teachers arrived to class early that day.

Correct. Do not use an apostrophe to show multiple / plural of something.


Correct this non-parallel sentence: The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.

The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.


She went to the store and bought the following items: eggs, milk, and cheese.

Correct. Use a colon to introduce a list.


Correct or incorrect: The student's arrived to class early; ready to learn.

Incorrect. "ready to learn" is not a complete sentence.


Give an example of any word with a negative connotation.

multiple correct answers


Correct or incorrect: The student's phone's were on the shelf.

Incorrect. Student's is correct; phones is not.


Correct this non parallel sentence: Rafael delivered his speech with confidence and enthusiastically.

Rafael delivered his speech with confidence and enthusiasm. 

Rafael delivered his speech confidently and enthusiastically.


Correct this incorrect colon placement: 

She went to the store: and bought eggs, milk, and cheese.

She went to the store and bought: eggs, milk, and cheese. 

Colon goes immediately before the list.


Correct or incorrect: She was still upset; he apologized sincerely.

Correct. Complete on both sides.


What words should you highlight and annotate in order to determine the tone or mood of a passage?

Multiple correct answers: 

- Words that show emotion 

- figurative language (metaphors, similes, etc)

- repeated words

- weather / seasons


Correct or incorrect: The students' backpacks were on the floor.

Correct. An apostrophe on the outside shows that multiple things belong to multiple people.


Correct this non-parallel sentence: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.

Any option that rephrases "in a detailed manner" as there is no such word as "detailedly"

Best replaced with "thoroughly," which means the same thing as "in a detailed manner"

Other example: "in a manner that was quick, accurate, and detailed."


Where should the colon go?

He was tired of doing all the work the cleaning, the cooking, the home repairs, the endless chores.

He was tired of doing all the work: the cleaning, the cooking, the home repairs, the endless chores.


The employees worked hard that year; oh, how they toiled!

Correct. Can use commas in same sentence with semicolons.
