Linking Verbs and Prefixes
Diagramming Sentences
Direct Objects
Contractions and Double Negatives
Action Verbs and Helping Verbs

The correct meaning of pre heated.

(heated before) or (opposite of heat)

What is heated before?


Write the simple subject and verb on each diagram. If the verb is a linking verb, draw a slanted line and write the predicate adjective or predicate noun. 

My cat is very old.

What is cat | is \ old?


Underline the simple subject once and the action verb twice. Circle the direct object.

Daniel opened the can.

What is Daniel, opened, can?


Find the words that can form contractions. Write the contractions.

Small children should not play near the road.

What is shouldn't?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the complete verb twice.

Abigail did play outside today.

What is Abigail, did, play?


The correct meaning of misspoke

(Spoke badly) or (spoke before)

What is spoke badly?


Write the simple subject and verb on each diagram. If the verb is a linking verb, draw a slanted line and write the predicate adjective or predicate noun.

The little baby sleeps in her crib.

What is baby| sleeps?


Underline the simple subject once and the action verb twice. Circle the direct object.

Our class read 15 books this year.

What is class, read, books?

Change the double negative.

There aren't no pencils left.

What is there aren't any pencils left/ there are no pencils left?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the complete verb twice.

Ceci has built a house of pine needles.

What is Ceci, has, built?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the linking verb twice.

The barn is very old and worn down.

What is barn and is?


Write the simple subject and verb on the diagram. If the verb is a linking verb, draw a slanted line and write the predicate adjective or predicate noun.

Her eyelids feel heavy.

What is eyelids | feel \ heavy?


Underline the simple subject once and the action verb twice. Circle the direct object.

Reese carries the box of snacks.

What is Reese, carries, box?


Correct the double negative.

There isn't nothing to do after school.

What is there isn't anything to do after school/there is nothing to do after school?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the complete verb twice.

Lennon will never dance in the rain.

What is Lennon, will, dance?


Underline the simple subject once and the linking verb twice.

Some of the cows and pigs were newborns.

What is cows, pigs, and were?


Diagram the simple subject, action verb, and direct object of the sentence.

The three brothers built a go-cart from spare parts.

What is brothers | built | go-cart?


Underline the simple subject once and the action verb twice. Circle the direct object.

Omar bought a baby duckling.

What is Omar, bought, duckling?


Write the contraction as two separate words.

Here's the basketball for the game.

What is here is?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the complete verb twice.

Isaiah will not ride his bike unless it is snowing.

What is Isaiah, will, ride?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the verb twice. If the verb is a linking verb, draw an arrow linking the subject with the predicate noun or predicate adjective.

The car's engine sounded noisy.

What is engine, sounded, and arrow pointing to noisy?


Diagram the simple subject, action verb, and direct object of the sentence.

The go-cart carries only one person.

What is go-cart | carries | person?


Underline the simple subject once and the action verb twice. Circle the direct object.

Charlotte chased a squirrel.

What is Charlotte, chased, squirrel?

Find the words that can form contractions. Write the contractions.

He is looking forward to the day when we will go to heaven.

What is he's and we'll?


Underline the simple subject once. Underline the complete verb twice.

Jireh has always given money to her brothers.

What is Jireh, has, given?