How many paragraphs should be in an argumentative essay
As many as you need to support your thesis
What job doe Guy Montag have
What is Macbeth's original title
Thane of Cawdor
What is the meaning of the word bias
A preference about a subject, usually refuses other viewpoints
What is Mrs. Richards favorite way to teach her students
Through brain rot
What is the proper way to arrange an in-text citation after a quote
space(author's last name page number).
How does Clarise Die
Hit buy a car
Who does Macbeth see sitting in his chair at his coronation
Why is it important to recognize media bias
Needed in order for one to make their own decisions about a topic
What was one of the books we could read for or summer work
What is the acronym you need to follow when writing your introduction paragraph
Who does Guy crash out on at Mildred's party
Mrs. Bowles
Who kills Macbeth
How has news media changed in the past few years
Shifted from presenting facts to whatever would make the best story
what is the first thing you are supposed to do when you come into Mrs. Richards class
Put your phone in the pocket
What is the acronym you need to follow when writing your body paragraph
What city does Faber say he is going before Guy leaves his house
St. Louis
What is one of the things the witches tell Macbeth
He will be king I'm not going to type the other ones this is a gimme
How can one recognise media bias
What is the name of Mrs. Richards dog
What is one of the two ways to integrate quotes into your essay
Weaving into your sentence or use a colon
What book does Guy choose to memorize
The Bible
What is the name of King Duncan's other son that doesn't become king
What is the purpose of media bias
To manipulate people to agree with a certain view point
How many paragraphs was the longest essay Mrs. Richards has wrote
40 paragraphs