What is the definition of the word “logo”?
A company emblem.
What is a wage?
A payment for work.
The definition “in place of another” corresponds to the word..:
a) Alternate
b) Promote
What is a quarter?
One of 4 equal parts (ex: a quart of a pizza, a quart of cake)
Fill the sentence:
”I grew up mostly with my mother, and I never knew my _________ father.”
A _______ punishment is one that is very harsh or bad.
A list of all items in stock is the…
The definition “additional proof that something is correct” corresponds to the word..:
Which word does this definition correspond to?:
Created by putting pieces together
What is NOT easily endured?
A) Nuisance
B) Wage
C) Burdensome
What is a cabinet containing automatic record players?
A jukebox.
In the story, our main character works washing dishes, and states that..:
”One basin was for soapy water, one for rinsing, and the other for _________.”
Fill the blank.
In the sentence “Part of my pride in working for Her was earning money I could squander” What does the word SQUANDER mean?
Spend thoughtlessly.
To have monetary issues means to have ________ issues.
To pay eager attention is to pay attention _______.
What is to be “instilled”?
To teach something by repetitions.
Fill the blank:
”The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was _________.”
Fill the blank:
While I was away, he was _______ to regional manager.
If one person shows excessive affection, what are they being?