This part of speech is person, place, thing, or idea
What is a noun.
What is first person.
Name the main character in "Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio."
Who is Peg?
Explain cause and effect.
What is when one event causes another event to occur.
What is another word or synonym for the term modify?
What is describe.
This part of speech describes or modifies a noun. It also answers the questions: What kind? Which one? and How many?
What is an adjective.
True of False: In order to be considered a personal narrative, the story must be true.
What is True.
What is the role of transition words or phrases in a paragraph?
What is to connect one idea to the next idea?
When are quotation marks utilized in writing?
What is to indicate dialogue.
What is the word or term that a pronoun replaces called.
What is the antecedent.
This part of speech replaces a noun in a sentence and can also be the subject of a sentence.
What is a pronoun.
True or false: A personal narrative is fiction.
What is false.
Some transition words or phrases establish "time." What is this called?
What is chronology or chronological order.
What causes polio?
What is a virus?
What does the term paralyzed mean?
What is partly or incapable of movement.
This part of speech can express an action, link words in a sentence, or express a state of being.
What is a verb.
True or False: In order to be considered a personal narrative, the story must be told by someone who was involved in the events being described.
What is true.
Define character trait.
What is the attribute of a person shown through what he or she says, thinks, does, or feels, or does.
True or False: Kids in the United States are currently at risk of getting polio.
What is false.
What does the prefix -ir in the word "irregular mean?
What is not or opposite of.
This part of speech modifies or describes adjectives and verbs. It answers the questions: How? When? Where? and To What Extent? Sometimes the part of speech ends in -ly.
What is an adverb.
In a personal narrative, what pronoun would the person telling the story use.
Hint: First person pronoun
What is the pronoun "I."
What part of speech are typically character traits?
What is an adjective.
Pick a character from Small Steps. Use a character trait to describe the person and support your choice with textual evidence.
Answers will vary.
Define the term dialogue.
What is when someone is talking or when two people are talking.