How many parts of speech are there?
9 (nine)
Which part of speech shows action?
What is a noun?
Noun: Identify people, places or things.
How many types of noun do you know?
10 (ten).
What is the function of an adjective?
Adjective:Describes something.
What is the function of a preposition?
Preposition:shows relationship or connection between things.
How many types of articles are there in English grammar?
2 (Two) types.
What is the function of a pronoun?
Pronouns: Replace nouns
What is the function of an adverb?
Adverb: Describe a verb.
Which are the two types of articles in English grammar?Give example.
1-Definite article: "THE"
2- Indefinite article: A-AN
How can we divide the different types of nouns?
Common - Proper - Countable
Uncountable - Abstract -Concrete
Collective -Compound - Singular and Plural
What is an article in grammar?
Article: Modifies a noun, establishing is gender and number.
Which are the parts of speech in English grammar that begin with "A"?
Which are the different parts of speech in English grammar?
Noun - Pronoun - Article
Adverb - Adjective - Preposition
Interjection - Verb - Conjunction.
Which are the Personal Pronouns?
Singular: I- YOU - HE - SHE- IT
Plural: WE - YOU - THEY