What is the Enlightenment?
This 18th century European intellectual movement applied methods of rational thought to social and human institutions.
Who is Montesquieu?
This French philosopher proposed the separation of powers to avoid tyranny in his work *The Spirit of the Laws*.
What is Deism?
This belief popularized by Voltaire saw God as a watchmaker who creates the universe, but does not intervene in human affairs.
What is rationalism?
This term means that everything in human life should be subject to the process of reason.
Who is Voltaire?
Known as the grandfather of French philosophers, this thinker wrote 70 books, criticizing religious intolerance and social institutions.
What is Pietism?
This German religious movement led by Nicolas Von Zinzendorf emphasized personal piety and a mystical experience of God.
What is the social contract?
According to this concept, the power to govern resides in the people, who choose to grant part of that power to a government to protect their natural rights.
Who is Adam Smith?
This Scottish author of *The Wealth of Nations* criticized mercantilism and defended the free market.
What is Methodism?
This movement led by John Wesley emerged from German pietism and focused on the emotional experience with God.