Heroes of the Enlightenment
French Revolution- People
French Revolution - Events
Primary Sources
19th C Thought Families

This French "philosophe" hated organized religion, especially the Catholic Church.

Who was Voltaire?


This early leader of the French Revolution was a lawyer who went by the nick-name "The Incorruptible." He died under the guillotine anyways.

Who was Maximillian Robespierre?


Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815 at this climatic battle.

What was the Battle of Waterloo?


This English King believed deeply in the divine right of kings to rule by the Grace of God.

Who was King James?


Belief in progress and the rights of the individual best describes which political philosophy?

What is liberalism?


The Bastille is stormed and the Rights of Man and Citizen are Declared!

What is 1789?


Before the Enlightenment people in Europe turned to this document for answers to questions about creation, reality and morality.

What is the Bible.


This extreme rabble rouser enjoyed soaking in the bath to treat his sores while he wrote lists of victims for the guillotine.

Who was Marat?


After the Third Estate was locked out of the Estates General, they met and swore this oath to keep meeting until they had their rights.

What was the Tennis Court Oath?


This English philosopher believed that all people were born equal, with natural and inalienable rights to life, liberty and property.

Who was John Locke?


Belief in tradition and priority of the community over individual rights best describes which political philosophy?

What is conservativism?

Napoleon seizes power in France in a coup d'etat (a violent revolt)

When was 1799?


His scary ideas about the nature of evolution and the history of the earth challenged the creation story from the Bible.

Who was Erasmus Darwin?


This innocent country girl was so disturbed by the extremism of Marat that she stabbed him to death in his own bath tub.

Who was Charlotte Corday?


This new invention was designed to execute the victims of the Terror in a "humane" manner.

What was the guillotine?


This 5th Century BC Greek philosopher argued that natural hierarchy exists in human society and in nature. Therefore some are naturally born to be slaves, others to be masters.

Who was Aristotle?


Political philosophy which believes that by changing the environment human beings can be changed, even perfected.

What is radicalism?


The Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon returns from exile on the island of Elba, raises an army and "meets his Waterloo". Off to final exile on the island of St. Helena, forever!

When was 1815?


He believed that all knowledge could be written down in an encyclopedia to shared with everyone.

Who was Diderot?


His mistress called him "a fat schlub." He said of himself, "We rule too young."

Who was Louis XVI?

King Louis XVI fled Paris towards this neighboring country, the home of his wife Marie Antoinette.

What was Austria?


This English philosopher believed that "man was a wolf to man" in a state of nature, and therefore needed a strong Leviathan or ruler to bring order to society.

Who was Thomas Hobbes?


Membership in an "imagined" community defined by a shared history and shared set of values.

What is nationalism?


The President of the Committee of Public Safety, George Danton, creator of "The Terror" is executed by his own guillotine. "The Revolution is eating its own children." Robespierre is next.

When was 1794?


His theories of gravity and light displaced religion as an explanatory force in the world.

Who was Sir Isaac Newton?


Disgusted with the the lack of leadership during the "Conservative" phase of the French Revolution, he led a "Coup d' etat" and became "First Consul" - aka dictator.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?


The "Fishwomen" marched to this palace, bringing back to Paris Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the heads of her guards mounted on pikes.

What was Versailles?


This French historian described the nation as an "imagined community" based on shared history and shared experience. 

Who was Ernest Renan?


The first or "Moderate" phase of the French Revolution, characterized by "The Rights of Man and Citizen" is best described as which political philosophy?

What is liberalism?


With France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, German unification is completed. Kaiser Wilhelm I is crowned Emperor of Germany in a humiliating ceremony at the French palace of Versailles.

When was 1871?
