Who used Tyco Brahe's data to prove orbits were elliptical
Johannes Kepler
This philosopher’s ideas greatly influenced criminal law reformers in Europe and N. America. He argued against the use of torture and capital punishment
Cesare Baccaria
They wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Marry Wollstonecraft
During the Scientific Revolution, scientists began implementing this
Scientific Method
French philosophers could meet in these locations to discuss ideas
This man combined several theories to create the laws of motion
Issac Newton
They argued for the education of women.
Marry Wollstonecraft
They wrote On the Spirit of the Laws
Wealth is measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury Encourage exports to bring in more gold
What was Denis Diderot’s most famous contribution to society
He is known as the father of Chemistry and for his law on gas characteristics.
He proposed that separation of powers would keep any individual or group from gaining total control of a government
They wrote The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Deal citizens make to allow themselves to be governed by their own will
Social Contract
Who was one of the few of the Enlightened thinkers who believed that emotions were just as important as reason to human development?
Jean-Jacque Roussou
Who is credited with the first use of the Scientific Method?
Francis Bacon
Religious tolerance was a common policy between these three monarchs.
Joseph II, Catherine the Great, Fredrick II
They wrote On Crimes and Punishments
Cesare Beccaria
This economic theory believes that the government has no right to interfere in business
Monarchs who embraced the Enlightenment and made reforms to reflect those ideas.
Enlightened Despots
What is Galileo known for
Heavenly bodies are made of rock, not light, perfected telescopes and made ground breaking discoveries.
How did John Locke affect the American Revolution
Life, Liberty and Property, government governs at the consent of the people.
What is Voltaire known for
Religious tolarance and development of Deism
This art style emphasized Elegance and Simplicity, Order and Balance
What are some effects of the Enlightenment
Secular view, Importance of the individual, A belief in progress