Which country is John Locke from?
Which country was Voltaire from?
What country is Montesquieu from?
What country did Rousseau come from?
What was the name of Adam Smith's book?
The Wealth of Nations
Which document in American history, that Jefferson wrote that was influenced by the political philosophy of John Locke?
The Declaration of Independence
What was the main focus for Volataire's writings?
Individual Rights
Montesquieu's main point was that countries needed to structure their government to achieve?
Separation of Powers
Rousseau focused on what specifically when writing?
The general will of society
What was Mary Wollenstonecraft's main point?
Educated women could help society advance and be more useful.
John Locke is famous for stating man's three natural rights, what are they?
Life, Liberty, and Property
Voltaire's influenced key foundational founding documents for the United States, what are the names of these two documents?
Constitution and Bill of Rights
Montesquieu believed that the separation of powers were necessary to limit power, however, each branch needed what to keep them from overriding other branches of government?
Checks and balances
Rousseau believed that government should...
do what the people wanted
What was the most significant contribution of William Wilberforce?
Ended the slave trade to Britain and eventually the British Empire.
The idea in which governments derive legitimacy from the consent of the governed is called what?
Social Contract
What were the three primary individual rights that Voltaire argued for?
Freedom of Speech, Press, and Religion
Montesquieu influenced the structure of the US's government, how do we see his influence today?
Three Branches of government:
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
What was the name of the document which reflected Rousseau's writings during the French Revolution
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
What was the name of Adam Smith's economic approach?