What is a code red?
Fire Emergency
What is your Pod Leaders name?
(pod leaders name)
which pod takes pictures and uses computers?
Orange pod
which pod likes to cook?
Green pod
what is the name of the Service dog that walks around the center?
What is a code blue?
Medical Emergency
who is the Executive Director?
Amy Stevens
Which pod plays music?
Yellow pod
which pod likes to sing and teaches lifes skills by debbie?
who delivers our lunch on his cart?
what is a code green?
Tornado emergency
What is the Nurse name?
Wendy Greenleaf
which pod dances and does yoga?
pink pod
which pod teaches life skills and is taught by Tracy?
Blue pod
where do you go to get picked up to go home?
(gallery, poplar, out front)
What is a code Gray?
Intruder Emergency
Who helps keeps the enrichment center clean?
which pod does painting and art?
Red pod
where do we go to have dances and to sing karaoke?
the lunch room
where can we go when we feel overwhelmed and need some personal time?
the sensory room
What is a code Purple?
Outside Danger
what is the name of your Q?
Chris or mandie
which pod makes things out of clay?
purple pod
which pod is connected to the gallary?
Peach pod
where are you always welcome?
The enrichment center.