What is cardiovascular disease?
What is "move more, sit less"?
Different from medicine such that the focus is on populations and prevention.
What is public health?
A systematic approach in which doctors and other health care professionals use the best available scientific evidence from research to help make decisions about the care of individuals
What is evidence-based practice?
Differences in the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of a disease and the related adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups
What are health disparities?
Approximately, this percentage of adults have obesity
What is 40%?
The number of minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity recommended for substantial health benefits
What is 150-300 minutes?
Pillar of public health that focuses on how people deal with threats through behavior
What is health promotion and health education?
Dissemination of information such as facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies to influence public opinion
What is propaganda?
State in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health.
What is health equity?
An overweight BMI
What is 25 to <30 kg/m2
The number of days per week recommended for muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity
What is 2 or more days?
Nationwide initiative that identifies 10-year public health priorities to help individuals, organizations, and communities across the US improve health and well-being
What is Healthy People 2030?
On average, US adults spend this much time per day being sedentary
What is 9.5 hours?
The social determinants of health affect this percentage of health outcomes
What is 80-90%?
Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are the most common types of this kind of disease
What is musculoskeletal?
The number of minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity recommended for substantial health benefits
What is 75 - 150 minutes?
Surveillance, Interventions, and ____ _____ are ways that public health applies science to practice
What are health guidelines?
Sedentary behavior strongly increases risk of these four outcomes
What is death, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes?
Conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
What are the Social Determinants of Health?
Encompasses behavioral and biological aspects, as well as subjective experiences
What is brain health?
Minimum threshold for benefits of physical activity
What is "no lower threshold"? Any activity counts.
This group has the highest physical inactivity prevalence rate at 29.8% (data from CDC 2022).
What are "Hispanic adults"?
Physical activity intensity of 3.0 to <6.0 METS
What is moderate-intensity?
The 5 domains of the SDOH
What is economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context?