Lots of words...
Experimental Goodies
Oh yes...the Scientific Method
Whats a Scientist to do? and other Science info...
Random Scientific Method Stuff
This is a well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations.
What is a Scientific Theory?
This is how many constants an experiment can have. Name yours and get double points.
What is usually has 3 or more? and yours are???
This is the factor in an experiment that is measured and observed and tell us yours and earn double points.
What is the dependent variable? and yours is??????
This is what a Scientist does that is studying a topic, and is all of a sudden new information found within her study now conflicts with the previous findings on this topic.
What is a good scientist evaluates the new information and uses it in a new study about the topic?
These are the 3 divisions of Science and a profession in each as well as the meaning of "bios".
What is Earth, Physical and Life: Geologist, Engineer and Dr and bios means "life"?
This is what you are making when you are watching a plant grow under a yellow light for a week and determine that it really needs some regular sunlight to grow.
What is an inference?
This is 3 inferences about the Science room.
What is the turtle needs to be fed or it will perish, the fish need to be fed or they will also perish, the plants need to be watered or they will wilt, the board needs to be erased every day or there will not be room for the next days information, the chairs need to be put down each morning so that there is a place for the students to sit?
This is the factor in an experiment that is manipulated or changed by the investigator and double points for telling us yours.
What is the independent variable and yours is????
This is true or false: Science can answer ALL questions, ever, in the whole wide world.
What is false?
Mrs Sunshine Flower does an experiment and finds that the results of her experiment support her prediction, she decides that is good enough and stops experimenting.. this is the reason that this way of thinking is wrong is because...
What is, if it supports only the prediction then the hypothesis may or may not be supported so the test needs to be run again?
This is a testable possible explanation of an observation that can be tested and if you can answer that, and tell me yours it is double points.
What is a hypothesis...and yours is??????
This is the number of independent variables that an experiment should have.
What is only 1?
This is the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables.
What is changing the IV causes the DV to change?
This is what must be testable for a experiment to have value and may be disproved by a single experiment. If you can say yours that is double points.
What is a hypothesis? and yours is????
This is the difference between a Scientific Theory and a Scientific Law.
What is a theory is a well tested explanation that is from many observations and it may be revised as new evidence is presented and a Law is based on Nature and it can be tested but sometimes not explained?
This is when you are noting things that happen over multiple days around you..perhaps something like weather changes over a week.
What is making observations?
This is the type of experiment that a scientist who is a researcher developing a new drug to treat diabetes would have to use for the time when he tests the human trials of his new drug.
What is a controlled experiment with a control group (those that are taking a placebo or fake drug and an experimental group (those that are taking the real drug) to see if it works or not?
This is the the part of an experiment that either supports or does not support a hypothesis.
What is a conclusion?
Caitlin is growing some plants for her science fair and decides to add different amounts of cough syrup to the water used to see if a plants growth is affected by this, after 1 month she measures the height for her data. This is what is missing from this scenario about Caitlins project.
What is a control to measure the plants normal rate of growth against as without it there is nothing to measure how well or how poor the plants are growing in her experiment?
Quinn is testing the effect of temperature on a bounce of a golf ball, this is his independent variable.
What is effect of temperature, as this is what he is changing?
This is a statement about what will happen next in a sequence of events and the part of the Scientific Method it is part of.
What is prediction, usually goes along with the time of the hypothesis?
These are the 2 parts of a controlled experiment and the purpose of each.
What is the control group = compare results to the exp. group and what is the exp. group = test IV and measure the DV?
These are the steps of the Scientific Method...backwards.
What is share, repeat to verify, conclusion, analyze data, record data, experiment, hypothesis (infer and predict) and observation?
Marie is testing how many roses will bloom on her rose bushes after she adds a certain amount of fertilizer, as she already figured that fertilizer helps plant grow (inference), these are her variables.
What is IV is the amount of fertilizer, the DV is the amount of roses that bloom and the control would be a regular growing rose as that will be the one compared to for this experiment?
This is the word for when you watch what is happening in an experiment, record the data, as well as what you record it in and the heading of that section for you project.
What is observation, logbook, and data should be in your logbook for later use to make a graph?