Gravity and Mass
What are the four types of friction what does each one do?
Rolling friction, Sliding friction, Fluid friction, and Static friction. Static friction acts in the opposite direction than the intended motion. Rolling friction occurs when a an object rolls over a surface acting in the opposite direction of the object's motion. Fluid friction is when an object pushes the object aside. Sliding friction is when two things slide together in opposite directions
What is an unbalanced force? How would you experience it?
An unbalanced force is when the two net forces are unbalanced. To experience it two people would have to be pushing/pulling with different net forces.
What is inertia?
Inertia is the tendency of an object moving or non-moving trying to resist the a change in motion, the mass of an object effects it's inertia
Why can a satellite stay in orbit?
Usually the satellite would fall from the pull of earths gravity, but since the earth is curved it orbits around the earth.
What happens to an objects momentum, when one moving object and one non-moving object collide?
Their momentum would switch. If the moving car momentum was 4m/s and the non-moving was 0m/s than after the collision the non-moving one would be 4m/s and the moving one would be 0m/s because all the momentum transferred
What type of friction would help you not slip on a patch of ice?
Sliding friction, you could put sand on an icy patch and the sand, because of sliding friction would help you walk.
What would you have to do to experience free fall?What is free fall?
To experience free fall you would need to take away all other forces other than gravity. Free fall is when athe only force acting on the object is gravity when the object is falling
What is projectile motion? Does the objects mass effect projectile motion?
Projectile motion is when you throw a ball rather than dropping it and the path curves because of the force of you throwing it which is pushing it up but gravity pulling it down so it is thrown in a curved path. The object's mass would not effect the motion
What is a centripetal force?
It is a force that causes an object to move in a circular motion, "center-seeking"
What does the law of conservation of momentum state?
It states that in the absence of outside forces, the total momentum is the same before they interact.