Active Reading Strategies
Land Formations
Water Formations
Moving Continents
"Why do earthquakes form?" is an example of this active reading strategy
What is asking questions
This is the inner part of the Earth that contains 2 parts, 1 part is solid iron that spins and creates the Earth's magnetic field.
What is the core
This is a landmass that is MOSTLY surrounded by water.
What is a peninsula?
A large indentation of the shoreline is known as this. These are usually areas of calm waters and many ports are located in them.
What is a bay?
This is the shaking of the Earth that is created when large masses underground land move suddenly along a faultline or from volcanic activity.
What is an earthquake?
Looking at the title, any bold, underlined, or italicized words in a paragraph before reading is this active reading strategy
What is using text features and visual clues
Large masses of ice that are moving because of gravity are known as this.
What are glaciers?
A low lying area of land that is surrounded by mountains or hills is known as this.
What is a valley?
A landmass that is completely surrounded by water is known as this.
What is an island?
An area where the crust is pushed down into the mantle, or when a plate pushes under another plate.
What is a subduction zone?
When reading about volcanoes, you picture a large mountain with lava flowing from the top of it in your head. This is an example of this active reading strategy
What is making mental images
This is the dividing line between the crust and mantle
What is the Moho Barrier
A deep valley with steep sides is known as this. The largest one in the world is located in the Southwestern United States.
What is a canyon?
This is a deposit of material that builds up at the mouth of a river. They are usually triangular shaped.
What is a delta?
The large moving pieces of earth that make up the Earth's crust are known as.
What are tectonic plates?
When reading about rivers, you think to yourself that you know that Pittsburgh has 3 rivers that run through the city. This is an example of this active reading strategy
What is activating prior knowledge
This was the supercontinent that scientists believe existed millions of years ago before the continents drifted apart.
What is Pangaea
A wide, flat topped hill that is larger than a butte is known as this formation.
What is a mesa?
This is a narrow strip of water that connects two larger bodies of water.
What is a strait?
This is created when 2 plates are sliding alongside each other. Earthquakes and volcanoes usually occur along them.
What are faults?
When a person makes a conclusion based on what you read and what you already know this person is using this active reading strategy
What is drawing inferences.
This is the area around the Pacific Ocean in which there are many earthquakes and volcanoes
What is the Ring of Fire
A strip of land that projects out into a large body of water is known as this.
What is a cape?
These are a chain or cluster of islands that is located in a large body of water.
What is an archipelago?
This is the pattern of earthquakes and volcanoes that occur around the Pacific ocean. Johnny Cash also has a famous song with the same title.
What is the Ring of Fire?