Management Systems
Child Development & Education
Child Health & Safety
Fiscal Integrity
Teams that are developed annually of community, professionals, board meembers and staff to review all areas of the agency and report agency: strengths, areas of Improvement and Areas of concerns... Every 3 years to understand community needs...
What is Self Assessment? What is Community assessment?
Reaching out to low income and family in poverty... Ensures EHS program recruitment efforts and materials include efforts to reach pregnant women.... Ensures recruitment efforts and materials include efforts to reach families with children with severe disabilities.
What is a Recruitment plan?
Language and Literacy Development  Cognition and General Knowledge  Approaches to Learning  Physical Development and Health  Social and Emotional Development Logic and Reasoning/Science Social Studies
What School Readiness Goals
The process the program uses to ensure all children have a determination (as to whether they are up-to-date on preventive and primary health care) within 90 days of entry into the program?
What is FSWs discusses all health concerns with parents during the registration process and home visits and keeps records of follow ups to ensure every child has access to health care provider?
The system the program uses to ensure that funds are available for payment of any vested accrued leave owed to employees of the grantee?
What is Insperity?
Consistant reviewing of systems; Quarterly, Monthly, bi-weekly and daily.
What is Ongoing Monitoring?
Child age  Family income/categorical eligibility 100%-130% poverty
What is Selection Criteria?
Education Advisory Committee - School Readiness Talks with teachers and FSWs on School Readiness School Readiness on monthly meeting agendas Policy Council
How are parents involved with developing School Readiness goals?
What is Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program?
Budget Purchase Orders/Direct Pays Ashley Jones Shauna Matelski Jackie Boehnlein - $1000.00
What is the process of ordering materials for the program?
Long term and short term - usually annually and every 3 years.
What are Goals and objectives?
10% enrollment
What is the required enrollment of children with disabilities?
The curriculum that LCCAA has implemented in both HS/EHS. Assessment system that monitors child outcomes.
What is "Creative" Curriulum and Teaching Strategies "GOLD"?
The contracted person who provides all social/emotional help and provides other resources to ensure services are provided to at risk children or families.
What is the Mental Health consultant Robin Wallace?
Oct. 1, 2013 $442,381.00 Reimbursable Daily Documentation at point of service
What is the USDA Grant?
Physical - every 3 years Criminal Background Checks Credentials/ SUTQ and Up to date training Resume Confidentiality Statement 3 References
What is required in staff files?
From this, vacancies are filled within 30 days of the opening or another child leaving the program.
What is the waiting list.
In Collaboration with school districts, teachers administer and review screenings within 45 days, if concerned or if a child reaches a certain percentile or low scoring occurs, send to Site Administrator. Child's information is sent to school district. Particiapte in IEPs and RTI and follow up with Itinerates during IAT meetings.
What is the referral process?
Daily, and quarterly these are assessed by the custodians and Site Administartors to ensure absolute safety utilizing ODJFS checklists, and Health/Safety Checklists. Teachers must also do a sweep before releasing children.
What are the outdoor playgrounds?
Gift cards given out to staff for merit, of child care (ODJFS) funds, Using agency credit card to buy clothes while on a work trip.
What is "Allowable" cost and "Unallowable cost".
Staff meetings - biweekly or monthly Quarterly Monitoring retreats Website Newsletters Home Visits Parent meetings Annual meeting
What are some of the communications to staff, parents, partners and community?
FSWs call after 3rd day or make a home visit to see how the child and family is doing and what their needs are. This is documented in case notes. They explain the importance of their child being in school and how the program must meet 85%.
What are follow up attendance procedures?
Site Administrators go to lesson plan books and review if teachers have followed up on each child. Site administrators will initial these to verify they have reviewed them.
What are Individualization monitoring procedure?
The first thing anyone should do when they walk into the classroom with the intention of interacting.
What is washing your hands?
Is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source. Usually involves contracting.
What is Procurement?