Famous People and plans
Reasons for the Depression
New Deal
Life During the Depression
Who became President in 1932 by defeating Herbert Hoover?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
What are some of the factors that contributed the crash of the stock market in 1929?
People defaulting on loans, an unbalanced economy, Credit
How did the fireside chats the president gave restore confidence in the US?
Roosevelt’s fireside chats restored confidence by allowing people to listen to the plans that the government was making to make their lives better.
What is a Hooverville and who or what are they named after?
A shantytown that is named after President Herbert Hoover.
What is the CCC and what do they do?
Civilian Conservation Corps, Provided jobs for young men to plant trees and build bridges
Who is Huey Long?
A politician from Louisiana who would become greatest concern for Roosevelt
What was the jobless rate during the great Depression?
25% in 1932 and around 20% for the rest of the Depression
Why were big corporations against the New Deal?
The New Deal tried to set prices for goods and also set a minimum wage for workers, which made it harder for corporations to make as much profit.
What is Court Packing?
When a President tries to pass a law adding justices to the Supreme Court so he can nominate Justices that would help his cause.
What is the FERA and what do they do?
Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Gave Relief to unemployed and the needy
What was Huey Longs “Share our Wealth Plan”?
Taxing the rich heavily and then using the money to give every American a home and 2500 dollars a year.
Who were people in the Bonus army and why did they become important to American history?
A group of WWI veterans that marched on Washington to ask for their bonus checks which were promised them because they fought in the war. They were kicked out of D.C by the U.S army where several Bonus army members died.
What is Social Security?
A pension plan for the elderly for when they retire and are not working anymore. Each person gets a certain amount of money a month when they retire and everyone has to pay into Social Security while they are working.
How did the Second New Deal affect the United States?
It caused more change than the 1st 100 days and brought about things like social security that we still use today.
What is the NRA and what did they do?
National Recovery Administration, Helped set standards for production, prices, and wages
Why did Roosevelt try and pack the Supreme Court?
He wanted to pack the courts so he could get laws passed that the current Supreme Court was ruling unconstitutional.
How did buying land, property and stocks on credit contribute to the Great Depression?
When you defaulted on your loan or credit the banks never get the money back which means they cannot pay out the people who have savings accounts with them and the bank then fails because it has no money.
Why were Roosevelt’s first 100 days so important?
Roosevelt and congress passed many laws through congress to turn around the economic downturn of the Depression. It was one of the most productive times in American History for our government.
Who is Father Coughlin and why did he not support the New Deal
A Priest from Detroit who didn't think the New Deal went far enough to turn around the country. He blamed Big business and Jews for the state the country was in.
What is the FDIC and what do they do?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Insured savings accounts in banks approved by the government
Why did Huey Long's plan scare so many people in the US government?
Longs plan sounded like a step towards communism, which scared a lot of people in the Government and in the Country.
What is an unbalanced economy and how did it contribute to the Great Depression? Please explain you answer.
When companies are producing too many goods for the consumers to buy and the consumers aren’t buying the goods. When they companies make to much they cannot make any money off the extra so they start laying people off to save cost and in turn those people no longer have money to buy goods. It all just spirals out of control.
What was one of the first things Roosevelt did after taking office to turn around the banking panic? Explain how it turned around the Panic.
He called a bank holiday where banks could not open back up unless they could prove that they were stable and able to stay open. Once this happened the government would then give the banks bail out money as needed so the bank could stay open and still give out loans.
The Dust Bowl was an event that took place in the Great Plains of the United States. What was the dust bowl and why is it important?
It was a major drought that affected the Great Plains causing the soil to dry out from over farming the area. The dry soil was picked up by winds creating large dust storms known as black blizzards. This caused many people to flee the Great Plains and move west in search of work.
What is the SEC and what do they do?
Securities and Exchange Commissions, Punished dishonest stockbrokers and speculators