Fathers Day
Dairy Month
Good Old Summertime
Lost Art...
Flag Day
Which species has the most extreme dad of the animal kingdom? 1. Bear 2. Penguin 3. Flamingo 4. Monkey
What is Emperor Penguin, spending 64 straight days incubating his egg until hatching, losing as much as 44 pounds during that time?
What’s the most popular flavor of ice cream? A. chocolate B. vanilla C. strawberry
What is Vanilla
16. According to hospital statistics in the U.S. what summer recreation historically claims the least number of injuries and fatalities each and every year? a. volley ball b. swimming in a pool c. fishing d. skinny dipping
What is Skinny Dipping. So what are you going to do at your next family reunion?
1. Traditionally, which of the following animals has NOT been used for milking? 1. Sheep 2.Reindeer 3.Pig 4. Horse
The correct answer was Pig Reindeer milk is the richest of any domestic species- it has a fat content of up to 22 percent! (Cow's milk averages 3-4 percent.)Mongolian warriors made yogurt and condensed milk from horse milk, and even today, an alcoholic drink called kumiss is made from horse's milk in Mongolia. There are actually horse dairies (using mainly draft horses) in Belgium! Sheep's milk is used primarily in cheesemaking, with the East Friesian being the most milkable sheep breed.
1. What day is Flag Day found on the calendar? 1. June 14th 2. September 14th 3. July 14th 4. August 14th
June 14. Flag Day is recognized on June 14th, a man whose birthday is on Flag Day tells this story... As a child, I always felt so special that everyone hung their flags out for me. Needless to say I felt a bit silly when I learned everyone was honoring the United States flag and not me. I won't mention how old I was before discovering this fact.
What is the most common Father's Day gift?
The necktie is the most popular of all Father's Day gifts, while hammers and golf clubs are also popular presents
How many cups of popcorn would you have to eat to get the same amount of calcium you get from one cup of milk? A. 14 B. 291 C. 417
What is 291, BUT it depends on what kind of popcorn you make...Microwave regular butter flavor, made with palm oil has the highest amount of calcium and microwave low fat and sodium.
17. In the U.S. what is the most popular selling grilling meat throughout the summer? a. hamburgers b. hotdogs c. chicken d. vegan patties
What is Hot dogs, on July 4th alone 155 million hot dogs will be consumed, that is enough hotdogs to stretch from Los Angeles to Washington, more than 5 times.
OK, you are ready to milk. What material should your milking pail be made of? 1.Aluminum 2. Stainless steel 3. Plastic 4. Glass
The correct answer was Stainless steel Stainless steel is tough, easy to clean, and can withstand the cleaning and disinfecting solutions that are used to clean dairy equipment.
2. Which US president set aside a special day for honoring the flag? 1. Woodrow Wilson 2. Abraham Lincloln 3. Franklin Roosevelt 4. Lyndon Johnson
The correct answer was Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson established June 14th as Flag Day in 1916, but it wasn't until August of 1949 that Congress officially established Flag Day.
Who said "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.” 1. Einstein 2. Mark Twain 3. Jimmy Carter 4. Red Skelton
Who is Mark Twain, pretty amazing how much smarter parents seem when we get a little older.
What was the first cheese made in America? A. American B. mozzarella C. cottage cheese
What is Cottage Cheese, women of American Colonies made it on their stove tops, Cottage Cheese got it's name because they originally made in little cottages
Of these “summer-time” smells which one do social researchers say is most often found to stimulate pleasant memories in human beings? a. coconut b. cut grass c. chlorine d. charred hamburger
What is Cut grass, the wonderful smell of cut grass is actually volatile organic compound, given off from the cut grass as a defense mechanism protecting the cut ends from attacks from insects. Some scientists suggest thinking of cut grass as a kind of chemical polluter. Volital organic compounds react with nitrogen oxides in the air helping to form more ozone near the ground.
When you hand-milk, it's advised not to use the first few squirts of milk. Why? 1. It's too thick 2. It's too warm 3. It's highest in bacteria 4. It's too weak
Highest in Bacteria. Often, these squirts will be directed into a 'strip cup', where you can examine them for flakes, clots or other signs of mastitis- an inflammation of the udder.
8. True or False--George Washington once thrashed a man because he thought he saw the man use the flag as a hankerchief. True False
The correct answer was false Actually, the incident did happen, but it was Theodore Roosevelt who picked up a stick and thumped the man for what he thought was an unpatriotic act. Apparently, Roosevelt spied a man blowing his nose on what looked like the flag. After a couple of thumps with the club, Roosevelt discovered it was a blue cloth with some stars sewn on it. He apologized but whacked the man once more for inciting a flurry of national pride. The incident took place on June 14th.
When did the US officially start celebrating Fathers Day? 1. 1899 2. 1972 3. 1930 4. 1877
In the USA Father’s Day has been celebrated annually since 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed the public law that made it permanent
How many pounds of milk does the average cow produce in a year? A. 17,000 B. 11,000 C. 6,000
What is 17,000, that's about 2,000 gallons of milk per year or 8 gallons of milk every day. It takes about 350 squirts to get a gallon of milk from a cow and most get milked 2 times per day. HOLY COW!!!
Before artificial dyes were invented, the most popular way people put the pink into pink lemonade was by doing what to the drink? a. adding a few drops of beet juice b. adding a few teaspoons of cherry juice c. adding a little red wine d. using pink lemons
Add a few drops of beet juice, beet juice was and still is used to color many things, like clothes, paint walls, stain woodwork it is an organic alternative to dyes, and it gives the lemonade a little extra kick of vitamins.
The average dairy cow today produces much more milk than the average dairy cow of 50 years ago. True False
True, Cows have been intensively bred for milk production, and, unfortunately, many are given hormones to keep the milk production even higher. While a 'family cow' may easily reach the age of 12, the average commercial dairy cow 'burns out' in just a few years
Flag Day is considered a federal holiday. True False
The correct answer was false Flag Day is not a federal holiday, which seems odd, considering that it is the day the country honors its national flag.
Who starred in the tv show Make Room for Daddy?
Who is Danny Thomas.
Who was the first president to serve homemade ice cream? A. Thomas Jefferson B. John Adams C. George Washington
Who is George Washington. Forget about chocolate or vanilla fruit was the only thing added to the cream and sugar, and the Washingtons served their guests tiny portions, doled out in delicate white French porcelain cups,that appeared to hold no more than an ounce or two.
According to U.S. agricultural statistics what three fresh fruits outsell all others during the course of summer? a. grapes, blueberries and peaches b. peaches, watermelon and tomatoes c. tomatoes, watermelons and lemons d. blackberries, blueberries and coconuts
Peaches, watermelon & tomatoes
All right, you have that big pail of milk! What do you do with it next? 1. Drink it 2 Pasteurize it 3. Strain it 4. Cool it
Strain it. Milk is strained through woven fiber filters. This removes all the hairs and hay that got into the milking pail despite brushing! Then, if you choose to pasteurize the milk to kill germs, you do so. Then the milk must be cooled as quickly as possible to retain flavor. Hope you learned something and happy milking!
7. In 1890, what group proposed a nationwide display of the flag on June 14th? 1. The Daughters of the American Revolution 2. The Girl Scouts 3. The Boy Scouts 4. The Sons of the American Revolution
The correct answer was The Sons of the American Revolution By the mid 1890s Flag Day became a popular observance, and Colonel J Granville Leach, who was the historian of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, was a proponent of adopting June 14th as Flag Day.