1-Step Equations Word Problems
1-Step Equations Word Problems
2-Step Equations Word Problems
2-Step Equations Word Problems
Lynn is cooking cookies. The recipe calls for 14 cups of flour. She has already put in 4 cups. How many more cups does she need to put in? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 10 cups of flour? What is, let x= how many more cups of flour? What is x+4=14?
Jamie needs to buy enough Gatorade for the whole soccer team. If there are 72 kids on the team and Gatorade comes in cases of 12, how many cases does Jamie need to bring? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 6 cases? What is, let x= the # of cases he needs? What is 12x=72?
What is a let x statement?
What is a way to describe what the variable x, stands for?
You bought a pencil case for $5 and four erasers. You spent a total of $25. How much did each eraser cost? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $5? What is, let x= the amount of money each eraser costs? What is 5+4x=25?
You bought a light up pen for $10 and eight erasers. You spent a total of $50. How much did each eraser cost? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $5? What is, let x= the amount of money each pencil costs? What is 10-8x=50?
How many packages of socks can you buy with $80 if one package costs $16? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 5 packages? What is, let x= the amount of packages of socks you can buy? What is 16x=80?
Mrs. Smith bought smelly stickers for her amazing students! The stickers come in packs of 20. If she has 200 students, how many packs of stickers should she order? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 10 packs? What is, let x= # of packs of stickers she needs? What is 20x=200?
What is a variable?
What is, a symbol for an unknown value?
A coffee shop sells ceramic refill mugs for $8.95. Each refill costs $1.50. Last month Rose spent $26.95 on a mug and refills. How many refills did she buy? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 12 refills? What is, let x= the amount of refills Rose bought? What is 8.95+1.50x=26.95?
Dominic spent half of his weekly allowance playing mini-golf. To earn more money his parents let him wash their car for $8. What is her weekly allowance if she ended with $24? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 32 students? What is, let x= her weekly allowance? What is x+8÷2=24?
Bryan decided to bring his wallet to the bank to cash it in. On the way, he dropped it and lost $2.50. He had $14.84 left in the wallet. How much did he start with? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $17.34? What is, let x= the amount of money he started at? What is x-2.50=14.84?
A cab company charges $4 for every mile. If you spent a total of $40, how many miles did you ride the cab for? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $10? What is, let x= how many miles you rode in the cab for? What is 4x=40?
What is a constant?
What is, a number on its own?
For a field trip 4 students rode in cars and the rest filled nine buses. How many students were in each bus if 472 students were on the trip? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 52 students? What is, let x= the amount of students in each bus? What is 9x+4=472?
Ashley won 40 lollipops playing hoops at her school's game night. Later, she gave two to each of her friends. She only has 4 remaining. How many friends does she have? What is the let x statement?
What is 18 friends? What is, let x= the amount of friends she has? What is 2x+4=40?
You are on page 286 in Twilight. If there are 408 pages in the book, how many more do you have to read? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 122 pages? What is, let x= amount of pages left? What is x+286=408?
How many boxes of envelopes can you buy with $12 if one box costs $3? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 4 boxes? What is, let x= # of boxes you can buy? What is 3x=12?
What is an equation?
What is a mathematical sentence stating that two expressions are equal?
Jill sold half of her comic books and then bought sixteen more. She now has 36. With how many did she begin? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 40 comic books? What is, let x= the amount of comic books Jill started with? What is x÷2+16=36?
You had $20 to spend on four raffle tickets. After buying them you had $12. How much did each raffle ticket cost? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $2? What is, let x= the cost of each raffle ticket? What is 12+4x=20?
Mary and Kate both work at the 7-11. Mary earns $3.94 more than Kate. If Kate earns $17.90 an hour how much does Mary make? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $21.84? What is, let x= how much Mary makes? What is x-3.94=17.90?
Maria bought tissue boxes. A week later half of all her boxes were destroyed in a fire. There are now only 22 boxes left. With how many did she start? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 37 boxes? What is, let x= the amount of boxes Maria started with? What is x÷2=22?
What is an expression?
What is a term or combination of terms and operators? An example is, 2x+7.
The cost of renting a bike is $10 to take the bike and $4 for every hour it spends in our possession. The final sum Janice paid is $30. How many hours did Janice rent the bike for? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is 5 hours? What is, let x= the amount of hours Janice rented the bike for? What is 10+4x=30?
You bought a magazine for $3 and two notepads. You spent a total of $13. How much did each notepad cost? What is the let x statement? What is the equation?
What is $5? What is, let x= the cost of each notepad? What is 3+2x=13?