It is a better value to purchase Heartgard in what size pack?
What is 12
What is the active ingredients in
Heartgard Plus
What is Ivermectin and Pyrantel
Although these products are labeled to prevent the same parasites - what do you typically lose when when recommending a generic product?
What is compliance.
What is the staff reward system called for all Merial Coupons?
What is The Merial Rewards Program
What stage of the flea life cycle does Frontline Plus NOT kill?
The Pupa
What do most clients need to be convinced to protect their pets from parasites?
What is education/ more information
Why is Heartgard the number 1 selling brand in the industry?
What is a trusted brand and easy to give.
Revolution is often used to control Heartworm and ticks...what tick is it labeled to kill?
What is American Dog Tick
How much is paid to the person that successfully dispenses Heartgard Plus (12 dose) or Frontline Plus to a pet owner?
What is $1
How long to we typically have post exposure to capture the L3 L4 stage of Heartworm before Heartgard Plus is not longer effective in preventing a Heartworm infection?
What is 45 days
How much does 12 years of prevention cost a client?
What is between $950 - $1200
What life stage of the Heartworm does Heartgard kill?
What is L3 & L4
What is the label claim for Frontline Plus?
What is kills adult, larva, and eggs of the flea, kills all life stages of ticks (4 species) and sarcoptic mange, chewing lice.
Where would I find a Free dose of Frontline and a Free dose of Heartgard to offer a pet owner?
What is The Puppy and Kitten Kits
True or False Frontline Plus Kills ALL life stages of Ticks?
What is True
What is the most common objection to purchasing Heartworm Prevention?
What is price
How many parasites does Heartgard Plus TREAT & CONTROL?
What is 5
Is Frontline Plus okay to used on Pregnant, Lactating, and Breeding dogs?
What is Yes
The Tasty Treats are a free "tool" provided to hospitals to do what?
What is show how easy is it to give Heartgard Plus.
How many baby ticks can be spread into an environment from one pregnant tick?
What is up to 4000
Why is Heartgard the best at gaining repeat client compliance?
What is the beef chew.
How old is Heartgard Plus?
What is 25 years old
Where is the best place to look to understand the products label claims?
What is in the package.
Why should a pet owner purchase Heartgard Plus and Frontline Plus at your hospital?
What is The Guarantee, integrity of the product, & coupons.
True or False Ticks live most of their life OFF the host and Fleas live most of their life ON the host?