Proficient Readers
Good Versus Less Proficient Readers
Why Not Word Identification?
Understanding Miscues
One who succeeds in constructing meaning from texts for which he/she has adequate background knowledge and meaning.
What is an effective reader?
Reading is not miscueless
What is proficient reading
To effectively and efficiently use reading strategies in order to construction meaning.
What is the goal of reading instruction?
In emphasizing accurate word identification with less proficient readers.
What actually impedes growth toward reading proficiency?
The wording and sentence structure may be changed in several ways while still preserving the essential meaning.
What is retelling?
One who does not waste time and effort in the search for meaning.
What is an efficient reader?
The difference between a good readers miscues and a less effective readers miscues.
What is the use of language cues and reading strategies
Sought to determine what percentage of 1st graders’ miscues were acceptable with preceding syntax only, and what percentage were acceptable with the following syntax as well.
Who was Rose-Marie Weber?
More than one word or group of words can signify a particular entity or concept, the fact that we can often get the essence of a passage with its function words missing, and the fact that the precise words of a text are quickly forgotten anyways.
What are the three arguments for the inappropriateness of exact word identification as a goal?
It was common practice for teachers to think that miscues reflecting a reader’s ________ _______ were wrong and needed to be corrected for understanding to occur.
What is spoken dialect?
Use of syntactic and semantic context automatically and efficiently, to reduce their reliance on graphic cues and grapho/phonemic knowledge.
What is a good reader?
Miscues involving pronouns and basic sight words occurs because
What is reading to constuct meaning rather than identifying words.
An over reliance hindering word identification as well as the construction of meaning.
What is graphic cues and letter-sound knowledge?
Usually more than one can be used to designate an entity or to express an action or a quality. We also begin to forget them within about half a second of reading them.
What are words?
A 1978 study of miscues in 2nd, 4th and 6th graders, which consisted of non-mainstream dialect groups or ESL students.
Who is Kenneth and Yetta Goodman?
The increase of miscues involving pronouns and function words as one becomes.
What is a proficient reader?
Many miscues involve
What are the omissions, substitution, or insertion of pronouns and function words?
Many words need to be identified or at least understood conceptually.
What is to construct meaning effectively?
Miscues don’t often go with even the preceding syntactic context. They read almost as if the words were arranged in a list and seem to be taught by phonics alone.
What are ineffective readers?
The proficient reader reads more for meaning than for ______ _______.
What is surface detail?
The major language cues within the text are.
What is graphic(letters), syntactic, and semantic?
It is important for teachers not to assess a readers strengths and strategies based on standardized test score or read alouds. Instead teachers need to examine how the reader's miscues fit with the context, which will determine.
What is how well the reader comprehends normal texts in untimed situations?
Predicting, sampling, monitoring, comprehension, and confirming or correcting.
What are successful reading strategies?
A frustrating experience of being able to read all of the words, but are unable to determine precisely what was meant.
What is deep structure, or intended meaning?
The absence of past tense marker, such as look for looked; the absence of plural noun marker, such as thing for things; the absence of third person singular verb marker, such as look for looks. the absence of possessive noun or pronoun marker, such as Freddie for Freddie’s; the substitution and omission of forms of to be, such as was for were; and, the hypercorrections, the use of two grammatical markers of the same type, such as likeded for liked.
What are the more common dialect-related miscues?