part 1
Motor speech disorders
I'm I dysarthria or apraxia of speech
Methods of studying motor speech
Categorizing motor speech disorders
When thoughts feelings emotion generate an intent to communicate verbally and converted into a code that abides by the rules of language.
What is cognitive linguistic processes
Causes: stroke, brain injury, tumors, Huntington’s disease, ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis
What is dysarthria
A collective name for a group of neurological speech disorders that reflect the abnormalities in the strength, peed, range, steadiness, tone or accuracy of movement required for breathing, phonatory, articulatory, resonatory or prosodic aspects of speech production
What is dysarthria
MSD's can be congenital or acquired
What is age at onset
verbal message is organized for neuromuscular execution. These activities include the selection, sequencing, and regulation of sensorimotor programs that activate speech muscles at appropriate coarticulated times, duration and intensities.
What is motor speech planning, programming and control and execution.
speech disorders resulting from a neurological impairment
What is motor speech disorders
A neurologic speech disorder that affects the reflects impaired capacity to plan or program sensori-motor commands necessary for directing movements that result in phonetically and prosodically normal speech.
What is apraxia of speech
rely primarily on the auditory perceptual attributes of speech. It can be difficult to quantify subject to unreliability among clinicians
What is perceptual methods
congential (e.g., cerebral palsy) chronic or stationary (reached a plateau) improving (e.g., during spontaneous recovery from a stroke) progressive or degenerative exasperating- remitting
What is course
The neural and neuromuscular transmission and subsequent muscle contractions and movements of speech structures
What is neuromuscular execution
Five subsystems- all five must work together or in coordination
What is 1. Respiration 2. phonation 3. articulation 4. resonance 5. prosody 6. work on the subsystem with more problems first.
localization in the left hemisphere and effects motor planning and programing
What is apraxia of speech
has contributed to the description of understanding of MSD's widely used in clinical evaluation of MSD'S
What is instrumental methods
Primary goal of neurologic evaluations - broad categories of neurologic diseases determines the distinctive pattern of speech deficits associated with each MSD
What is site of lesion; neurologic diagnosis; pathophysiology
the combined processes of speech motor planning, programing, control and execution
What is motor speech processes
1. A disorder a movement 2. neurologic in origin 3. can be categorized into different types each type is categorized by distinguishable perceptual characteristics
What is dyarthria
1. A disorder a movement 2. neurologic in origin 3. can be categorized into different types each type is categorized by distinguishable perceptual characteristics
What is dysarthria
It can visually display and numerically quantify frequency , intensity and temporal components of the speech signal. This method is quantitatively analyzed and perceptual judged. It straddles the boundary between perceptual and physiologic measures.
What is acoustic method and visual imaging method
knowing whether speech breathing, phonation, articulation or resonance is impaired can contribute to speech diagnosis -this component does not differentiate among MSD's because each one can vary
What is speech components involved and severity
What is Similarities and differences between dysarthria and apraxia.
Dysarthria is characterized by different perceptual characteristics and location of lesion. They include abnormalities in strength, speed, range, steadiness and tone. Dysarthria include neuropathophysiologic disturbances whereas Apraxia of speech does not. In contrast to dysarthria, Apraxia of speech has distinct clinical manifestations. Dysarthria impacts execution and/or control whereas apraxia of speech impacts motor planning. Apraxia is localized in the left hemisphere in contrast to the locations of the types of dysarthria. In comparison both apraxia of speech and dysarthria are neurological impairments, effect speech and a disorder of movement.
It focuses on one or more of the following -Muscle contractions that generate movement -movements of speech structures and air -relationship among movements at different levels of the musculoskeletal speech system -temporal parameters and relationship among central, peripheral neural and biomechanical activity -temporal relationship among CNS structures and networks during the planning, programing and control of speech.
What is physiologic methods
It focuses on one or more of the following -Muscle contractions that generate movement -movements of speech structures and air -relationship among movements at different levels of the musculoskeletal speech system -temporal parameters and relationship among central, peripheral neural and biomechanical activity -temporal relationship among CNS structures and networks during the planning, programing and control of speech.
What is physiologic methods
it is crucial to differentiating diagnosis and managment
What is perceptual characteristics