Projectile Motion
Circular Motion and Gravitational Force
Work, Power and Energy
2 PARTS I traveled 2 miles to go home from the school. Then I went to the store that was three miles away, then went back home. The next day I returned to school. Find the Displacement Find the Distance Traveld
Displacement = 0 Distance Traveled = 10 miles
If you are riding on a wagon and the wagon stops in a sudden instance, what will happen to all the matter that is not strapped to the wagon? What law of motion is this in reference to, what is the phenomena called?
Matter will continue to go in the direction and the velocity of the wagon before the stop. Newton's First Law of Motion, INERTIA!!
What is the velocity of the y-axis at the climax of every projectile in motion? Why?
The answer is ZERO, because that is when the projectile fully transfers from kinetic to potential energy.
BILLY BOY's career has been going in circles on a merry go round. Recently his label, BROKE BOYS RECORDS cut him loose. What direction will his career go flying in? a) the direction of the circle b) Tangent to the radius of the circle c) Away from the circle d) towards the center of the cirgle
b) Tangent to the radius of the circle.
A girl carries a 12kg box up a flight of stairs 3 meters high in 4 seconds. A boy carried the same box in 7 seconds. How much work did each person do to the box? Who did more work.
They both did 352.8 Joules of Work Work = Force X Distance
A boat travels on a river north at a velocity of 12 m/s. There is an east wind that blows at 5 m/s. What is the magnitude of the resultant?
13 m/s A2 + B2 = C2
A boy, BILLY BOY, is pushing his unemployment checks with a force of 5 N. The frictional force that he has to overcome is 5 N. The mass of the unemployment checks is 1.3 kg. What is the normal force of the unemployment checks? What is the net force of the unemployment checks?
Normal Force = 12. 74 N Net Force = 0 N
It takes 8.5 seconds for a projectile to reach it's maximum height. How long will it take for the object to fall to the ground level of its initial launch? Describe a projectile's speed on the way up, and on the way down
It will take 8.5 seconds for the projectile fall back down to t he ground level of its initial launch. An objects speed decreases on the way up and accelerates at a rate of 9.8 m/s2 on the way down.
A car is trying to cut off Mr. Alas at Water's Gate due to his Asian inclination to drive slow. The car was traveling at a velocity of 6 m/s on a curve with a radius of 12 m. What is the centripetal acceleration acting on the car? In what direction will the passenger of that car go if he/she is not buckled up?
The Centripetal acceleration is 3 m/s2. Centripetal Acceleration = VT2 / r The passenger will go in the direction away from the curve due to CENTRIFUGAL FORCE
Gucci Man is trying to break free out of jail by busting through the wall. Some how, some way, he sneaks a jack hammer into the jail. The Jack Hammer repeated applies a force of 9000 N at a 90 degree angle. How much work is done to the wall after 10 hits?
Zero Joules because COS 90 is Zero.
A sled is sliding down from the top of a hill that has an angle of 35 degrees from the ground. After the sled slid down the hill, it traveled 20 m (x-axis). How high was the hill?
What is 14 m high SOH CAH TOA you should have used Tan = Opp/Adj Tan 35 = Opp/ 20
A 0.4 kg baseball travels towards a batter during a baseball game. The baseball travels at an acceleration of 12.5 m/s2. The batter hits the ball with a force of 45 N. What is the net force on the ball? What is the acceleration of the ball after the batter hit it?
The net force is 40 N. The acceleration is 100 m/s2.
BILLY BOY's Career jumped of a cliff due to an overwhelming debt that crushed his dear little heart. The cliff was 43 m high. The career traveled at a Velocity of 6 m/s. How far from the base of the cliff did BILLY BOY's career traveled before it met its tragic end? Hint - Use a T-graph
The career traveled 17.77 m. THE FARTHEST THAT HIS CAREER HAS EVER TRAVELED BEFORE!!!! Delta x = V X t Delta y = 1/2 g t2
Two people have a has of 100 kg. The are sitting 3 m away from each other. What is the gravitational force between the two people?
7.41 X 10^-8 N (ten to the negative eighth) Fg = Gm1m2 / r2
Athlete A runs 40 meters with a force of 1250 N in 4.15 seconds. Athlete B runs 40 meters with force of 1265 N in 4.25 seconds. How much power did each athlete produce. Which Athlete produced more power?
Power = Work / time Power = Force X Distance / time Athlete A = 1.2 Watts Athlete B = 1.19 Watts Athlete A produced more Power.
The magnitude of a bus is traveling at a velocity of 4.6 m/s east. There is a North wind of 16 m/s that blows over it. What is the resultant?
16.64 m/s
What is the sliding force acting upon an object that 34 kg on a slope that is 45.6 degrees? Sliding Force = Force of gravity X COS angle
233.12 N
A gun shoots a bullet that lands 125 m from where it is shoot. It has a velocity of 13 m/s. How high was the gun from the ground when it was shot?
453 m
Gliese 876 is the nearest star on the Aquarius leg is 1.29 X 10^17 (ten to the 17th) m away. I have a mass of 77 kg and that star has a mass of Gliese 876 is 6.36 X 10^29 (ten to the 29th). What is the gravitational force that the star has on Mr. Alas? Constant of Gravitational Force = 6.67 X 10^-11 (ten to the negative eleventh)
1.96 X 10^-13 N which is 0.000000000000196 N yeah, horoscopes.... whatever
Two boxes are stacked on a shelf that is 3.5 m from the ground. One box weighs 35 N, and the other box has a mass of 85 kg. What is the combined Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE)?
3038 J GPE = Force of gravity X distance GPE = mass X gravity X distance 35 N is already the force of gravity, 85 kg was a mass that you had to multiply by gravity. You simply had to add the two energies together.
I am walking west at 2.1 m/s. Then a wind blew me to start walking North West at 3.2 m/s. What was the angle of the wind?
48.99 degrees
The coefficient of friction on an object on a slope is 0.45. The object has a mass of 10 kg. What is the net force acting on the object if it sits on a slope that is 25 degrees from the ground? Sliding force = cos angle X force of gravity Force of friction = normal force X coefficient
friction = 44.1 N sliding = 88.8 net = 44.7 N down the slope
A ball rolls with a speed of 2.0 m/s across a level table that is 3.0 m above the floor. Upon reaching the edge of the table, it follows a parabolic path to the floor. How far along the floor is the landing spot from the table?
1.56 m
The earth has a mass of 6 X 10^8 (ten to the eighth) kg. The earth has a radius of 1.5 X 10^11(ten to the eleventh) m. The earth travels at a Tangential velocity of 29814 m/s. What is the CENTRIPETAL FORCE of the earth towards the sun?
3555498.384 N or 3.56 X 10^6
A person lifts a 125 kg box from the ground in 2 seconds, and produces 1531.25 W of power. How far did the person lift the box?
2.5 m Power = Work/time Power = Force X Distance / time Power = mass X gravity X distance/ time