Academic Support
Student Life
Where you could get to get help with papers or essays.
The Writing Center - helps undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines become more effective, more confident writers. The Writing Center offers: -instructors who work one-on-one with students -undergraduate peer tutors who work one-on-one with students in undergraduate writing-intensive courses -an online writing center -short-term, non-credit workshops about academic writing
A student might go here if they are feeling sick, or maybe want to visit a counselor.
University Health Services (UHS) is the student health center at UW–Madison. They provide a wide range of medical, mental health counseling, prevention, and wellness services to help support individual students so they can be personally and academically healthy and successful.
You might go here if you want to get involved with community service.
Morgridge Center for Public Service - UW-Madison's center for public service connects campus with community through service. There are various opportunities for volunteering and programs on campus through which to get involved.
If you are thinking about Medical School, this might be a resource you look into.
Pre-Health Advising - Talk with an advisor about applying to health professions. There are drop in advising hours as well as resources on summer programs and research opportunities on their website.
Where someone could go to get help with Physics.
Physics Learning Center - Offers small group study sessions, access to study materials, and extra exam review sessions. Study groups meet twice each week and are led by trained peer tutors and staff. They provide extra practice problems and opportunities to discuss physics concepts. Works with Physics 103, 104, 207, and 208.
Your student could go here if their laptop breaks or they are having issues registering online.
The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) provides computer technology services to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to helping fix computers, DoIt offers educational opportunities and help navigating the university's internet services, like myUW, email and learn@uw.
Your student could go here if they are interested in studying in France at some point during their college career.
The Study Abroad International Academic Programs helps you choose, apply and plan for various study abroad opportunities.
If your student is thinking about law school, you might tell them to check out this resource.
Pre-Law Advising - You can schedule appointments or drop-in to discuss a career in law or good coursework to take for this career path. There are resources for taking the LSAT and also info about the Law School fair.
Where your student could go to get help with chemistry.
Chemistry Learning Center - Supportive learning environment where students meet in small groups with staff to work out effective strategies for mastering chemistry.
Your student could use this resource to pay their housing bill or to get information on living in the residence halls.
The Division of University Housing (Slichter Hall) provides resources about all aspects of living in residence halls, such as tutoring services, food accounts and programs and activities to get involved.
You might go here if you are interested in getting an internship or finding a job (this service is available for L&S students only).
L&S Career Services helps you discover new majors and career paths, find new opportunities to experience these potential careers and helps prepare you for the application process.
If your student isn't sure what they want to major in, you might direct them here for more information.
The Exploration Center is designed to assist students in exploring majors and careers. They help undergraduate students focus on their interests, values, strengths, and personality to give them the tools they need to make decisions about their careers and their futures.
Where any student can go for either drop-in or matched group tutoring in a variety of subjects.
Greater University Tutoring Services - Matches tutors with a group of up to 6 students taking the same section of the same course. Groups meet in a designated classroom on campus for two hours each week. Also offers: Drop-In, Conversational English, Study Skills
If you needed to apply for a crisis loan, or had a family emergency, this is the resource you could use.
Division of Student Life - This division houses many important departments, including the dean of student's office that provides the above services, as well as the Center for the First-Year Experience, International Student Services, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) Campus Center and the Center for Leadership and Involvement.
If you want to get involved with student orgs or events that celebrate a variety of cultures.
The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) is a unit of the Division of Student Life and is located on the second floor of The Old Red Gym.The primary mission of the MSC is: To collaboratively strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus where all students, particularly students of color and other historically undeserved students, are engaged and can realize an authentic Wisconsin Experience.
Your student is unsure of what classes to take for next semester. Where should you direct them?
Tell them to meet with their CAE advisor! All students have advisors in the CAE that can help them decide about classes.
You might go here if they want extra math instruction and want to learn in a small group environment with the help of a tutor.
The Mathematics Tutorial Program - offers free tutoring in a cooperative learning environment for students enrolled in Math 95-234. Tutorial sessions meet twice a week. Each session is made up of 8-10 students in the same class. Attendance at tutorial sessions is mandatory to participate in the program.
You might use this resource if you are feeling upset, stressed or simply want to talk to some one.
UHS' Let’s Talk is a program that provides drop-in consultations at locations around campus for UW-Madison students. It’s free, no appointment is necessary, and students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
This is a password-protected software program that connects L&S students and employers. It allows you to post resumes and is another formal way of getting your name in front of a potential employer.
BuckyNet is a program that connects students and employers. Through BuckyNet, you can find internships and full-time employment opportunities, sign-up for on-campus interviews, learn about employers, and access additional resources such as CareerInsider and GoingGlobal. Upcoming events are posted on BuckyNet, keeping you up to date on all career fairs, information sessions, interviews and career workshops.