Sailors have always needed lighthouses to warn them of dangerous conditions. The first tower that was built for such a purpose was at the entrance to Port Alexandria, a long-ago Capital of ancient Egypt. The tower, called Pharos was very large. It was so impressive a structure that it was known as one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. Fire beacons burning on the tower helped ships navigate through the treacherous waters approaching the city. The title that best summarizes this paragraph is ­A) Burning Fire Beacons in the Night B) Pharos, the First Lighthouse Tower C) Helping Ships Navigate Tricky Waters D) A Look at Ancient Egypt
C) Helping Ships Navigate Tricky Waters
If you see a fire engine on your street, you can infer that a) a cat is in a tree b) someone accidentally burned themselves c) the police are on their way d) someone had some type of emergency
d) someone had some type of emergency
In _____________ point of view, the character is telling the story
First Person
Matthew took a practice spelling test on Monday and missed five words. The big test is on Friday. What should Matthew do? a) Matthew will stay home sick on Friday b) Matthew won't tell him mom he needs extra help c) Matthew can study every night to learn the words d) Matthew doesn't need to study because he can guess
C - Matthew can study every night to learn the words
Behave wrongly
In 1588, the Spanish Armada sailed to fight against England. The armada consisted of a fleet of 130 ships. Aboard one of these ships was a tailless cat. Her job was to catch mice. After a great naval battle that England dominated, the Spanish ships set sail for home. The cat’s ship was wrecked near the Isle of Man. The nimble Cat got ashore safely and lived there ever after. Her many descendants became known as Manx cats after the name of their island home. Manx cats are known for being tailless. The title that best summarizes this paragraph is A) Why Some Cats are Tailless B) How the Manx Cat got it's Name C) Why Some Cats are Tailless D) Why the Spanish Lost at Sea
B) How the Manx Cat got it's Name
A giant hand inside my chest Stretches out and takes My heart within its mighty grasp And squeezes till it breaks. A gentle hand inside my chest, With mending tape and glue, Patches up my heart until It’s almost good as new. I ought to know by now that Broken hearts will heal again. But while I wait for glue and tape, The pain! The pain! The pain! 4. The poem is probably about a. a woman. b. a man. c. a broken heart. d. heart surgery.
c. a broken heart.
In ______________ the story is being told through someone else's eyes.
Third Person
Kim was painting a picture for her mom when her little brother spilled the pain all over her picture. What is the solution? a) Kim looked at the paint spill and though she could turn it into a cloud b) Kim yelled at her brother and made him cry c) Kim threw the picture away d) Kim put everything away and decided to quit painting
A - Kim looked at the paint spill and though she could turn it into a cloud
Teach right now
Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is false? A. The Summary is usually found in more than just one sentence of the passage. B. The Summary is one isolated thought in a passage. C. The Summary is what all or most of the sentences or paragraphs are about. D. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.
B. The Summary is one isolated thought in a passage.
A giant hand inside my chest Stretches out and takes My heart within its mighty grasp And squeezes till it breaks. A gentle hand inside my chest, With mending tape and glue, Patches up my heart until It’s almost good as new. I ought to know by now that Broken hearts will heal again. But while I wait for glue and tape, The pain! The pain! The pain! 5. It can be inferred that the subject of the poem a. is in a lot of physical pain. b. enjoys arts and crafts. c. is a good friend. d. has had a broken heart before.
d. has had a broken heart before.
First person key words include _____, ______, and ______.
I, me, we
Joe's skateboard broke and his dad said it couldn't be fixed. Joe was upset because he didn't have any money to buy a new one. What should Joe do? a) Joe could ride his bike instead b) Joe's friends could quit skating so he wouldn't feel left out c) Joe could give up skateboarding d) Joe could get a job mowing lawns to earn extra money
D - Joe could get a job mowing lawns to earn extra money
Travel in the past
Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is true? A. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage. B. The Summary is specific, detailed informed contained in the passage. C. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about. D. The Summary is always found in the first sentence of the passage.
C. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.
What can you "infer" by reading the passage below? "I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet. a) Violet can be a mean girl b) Violet can be somewhat inhibited c) Violet is probably somewhat shy and introverted
c) Violet is probably somewhat shy and introverted
Third person key words include _____, ________, and ______
He, she, they
Wendy and Sara have a treehouse that is falling down. They on't have any money to buy supplies for the repairs needed. What should they do? a) Stay inside and play all summer b) Sell lemonade for money c) Tear down the tree house and forget about it d) Not go back to the treehouse
B - Sell lemonade for money
More tall
There are five teams of students in the fifth grade. The blue team has math first period, and the red team has science. The yellow team gets to go outside early in the morning, while the green team goes to music. Only students on the orange team get to play games first period. Each student wears a name tag with his or her color, so that the teachers and students all know where a student should be. The Summary of this passage is: A. Students are organized by teams with color names. B. The blue team has math first. C. Students wear nametags. D. The yellow team has the best schedule.
A. Students are organized by teams with color names .
Sally Ann was over 80 years old. She lived in a small house with a very small fenced-in yard. She had just lost her 16-year-old dog and decided to get another dog right away. Sally Ann went to the animal shelter, and after looking at all the dogs, she narrowed her choice down to two. The first was a large, black, one-year-old retriever. He had a lot of energy and was used to running on acres of land. The second dog was a small, three-year-old mix. The people who had owned him said he stayed home alone all day and knew how to use a doggy door to go out to the yard. Which dog do you think Sally Ann chose? a) Sally Ann chose the black one-year-old retriever. b) Sally Ann chose the small three-year-old mix c) Sally Ann did not chose either one of the dogs. d) Sally Ann chose both dogs.
b) Sally Ann chose the small three-year-old mix
Mike took his book to the library to renew it for one more week. a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
C - third person
A box came in the mail for Denisha, but it had no return address. When Denisha opened the box, she found a blue jacket and matching pants. She tried on the pants and jacket. They fit perfectly, and blue was Denisha’s favorite color. She wanted to thank the sender. She asked her mother and sister if they had mailed the package, but they both said no. Denisha looked again at the outside of the box, and then she smiled. “I figured it out! The stamp says that the box was mailed from Detroit. Grandma lives there. She must have sent it.” What is the problem? What is the solution?
Problem - Denisha does not know who sent her the package? Solution - Denisha looked at the the box and saw it was mailed Detroit so her Grandma sent it.
Twice a week