The Elk River flows from the far northern part of the state all the way to the southern tip. All kinds of animals rely on it for drinking water, people eat the fish they catch in it, and farmers in the state depend on it for irrigating their crops. Since there is very little rain in this state, the Elk River gives animals and humans the water they need to stay alive. Even though the river is not nearly the biggest in the nation, it is very important to the people and animals that live near it. The Summary of this passage is: A. The Elk River is a small river. B. The Elk River starts in the northern part of the state. C. The Elk River is very important to people and animals. D. People catch fish in the Elk River.
C. The Elk River is very important to people and animals.
Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner. Why did Julio and his father not take much food with them on the trip? They were planning on eating the fish they caught. They didn't have any food at their house. They didn't want to eat too much. They don't like to eat fish.
A - They were planning on eating the fish they caught.
Todd’s mother had a problem. “I’ve lost my favorite white scarf,” she said. Todd wanted to help her find it. He searched under tables and behind chairs. He looked in closets and under the beds. He didn’t see the scarf anywhere. What is the problem?
Todd's mother lost her scarf
a person who acts
As soon as she arrived at grandmother's house, Jessica ran into her bedroom to look at the blue quilt. It covered her grandmother's bed and was Jessica's favorite. It had patches of dark blue, medium blue, and light blue, with pictures of birds and flowers on every other patch. Jessica liked to take naps with the quilt wrapped around her. She loved the way it felt so soft and warm against her skin. Whenever she was visiting grandma, just looking at the quilt made Jessica happy. The Summary of this passage is: A. Jessica's grandmother has a pretty blue quilt. B. Jessica loved her grandmother's quilt. C. Jessica took naps at her grandmother's house. D. The quilt was warm.
B. Jessica loved her grandmother's quilt.
Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours doing sedentary activities like reading or playing video games. We can infer that when people are doing sedentary activities, they must be . learning relaxing talking sitting
D - sitting
Sally and Johnny are going to get pizza tonight. They are getting it from their favorite pizza restaurant. a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
C - third person
Cumberland Gap National Park is under attack! A plant called kudzu threatens the park’s ecosystem. Few animals eat kudzu and it grows so fast it’s been called “the vine that ate the South.” It can grow a foot a night! It grows even after it has been dosed with herbicide, or plant killer. That’s bad news for native plants and trees. Kudzu grows right over them. It takes the sunlight plants need to live. Bits of kudzu came to Cumberland stuck to truck tires. The trucks were there to build a road. Now park rangers cut kudzu back. They apply herbicide to the plant’s huge root. They could bring in goats because goats eat kudzu. But goats also eat native plants. Solving the kudzu problem will be tricky. What is the problem?
The kudzu plant is destroying the National Park
Heat before
Books lay in the middle of his floor. Several broken toys were shoved halfway under the bed, and dirty clothes were everywhere. Frank's parents kept telling him to clean his room, but it never seemed to get clean. In fact, if Frank did manage to clean part of it, the rest of the room just got messier. In one corner of the room was an old peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and an open bag of potato chips was thrown on the dresser. The Summary of this passage is: A. Frank's room was a mess. B. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich was in one corner of the room. C. Frank liked potato chips. D. Frank got in big trouble because his room was not clean.
A. Frank's room was a mess.
Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, "Hurry up, Tooli. You're always so slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. What was true about Justin? He was very worried that someone might see him. He was angry that he had to walk the dog. He was feeling sick and wanted to lie down. He was very excited and wanted to hurry.
B - He was angry that he had to walk the dog.
I was nervous when it was my turn in the spelling bee. a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
A - First Person
Cumberland Gap National Park is under attack! A plant called kudzu threatens the park’s ecosystem. Few animals eat kudzu and it grows so fast it’s been called “the vine that ate the South.” It can grow a foot a night! It grows even after it has been dosed with herbicide, or plant killer. That’s bad news for native plants and trees. Kudzu grows right over them. It takes the sunlight plants need to live. Bits of kudzu came to Cumberland stuck to truck tires. The trucks were there to build a road. Now park rangers cut kudzu back. They apply herbicide to the plant’s huge root. They could bring in goats because goats eat kudzu. But goats also eat native plants. Solving the kudzu problem will be tricky. How are they trying to solve the problem? (3 ways)
By cutting the plant, using herbicides and bringing in goats
act of celebrating
Math didn't make much sense to Cathy. She always got area and perimeter mixed up and she had no idea what a right angle was. Last quarter she failed math, and this quarter wasn't any better. As long as she could remember, math had been hard for Cathy. She did fine in reading and science, but not math. Now she was working on her math homework, but she didn't know how to do most of it. Who invented math, anyway! The Summary of this passage is: A. Who invented math? B. Cathy did well in reading and science. C. Cathy always got area and perimeter mixed up. D. Cathy was not very good at math.
D. Cathy was not very good at math.
Of all the chores Michael had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he could not stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. What chore does Michael hate? folding the laundry Doing the dishes Taking out the garbage Cleaning his room
C - Taking out the garbage
"Sock's throat throbbed with purrs. He was especially happy when he could interrupt her work on the papers that she typed for students." 1st Person 3rd Person
3rd person
Cumberland Gap National Park is under attack! A plant called kudzu threatens the park’s ecosystem. Few animals eat kudzu and it grows so fast it’s been called “the vine that ate the South.” It can grow a foot a night! It grows even after it has been dosed with herbicide, or plant killer. That’s bad news for native plants and trees. Kudzu grows right over them. It takes the sunlight plants need to live. Bits of kudzu came to Cumberland stuck to truck tires. The trucks were there to build a road. Now park rangers cut kudzu back. They apply herbicide to the plant’s huge root. They could bring in goats because goats eat kudzu. But goats also eat native plants. Solving the kudzu problem will be tricky. What new problem are the goats creating?
They are eating the native (good) plants too
Understand wrong
Jose carefully poured out the bag of marbles on his bed. He picked his ten favorite marbles and carefully set them to the side. Then he got out a small bag from his top drawer, and put the ten marbles inside. Just to make sure he wouldn't forget them, he placed the bag of marbles in his backpack. Jose loved show and tell, and he was excited that he would get to show his class some of his favorite marbles. The Summary of this passage is: A. Jose had lots of marbles. B. Jose was getting his favorite marbles ready to take to school for show and tell. C. Jose would rather play marbles than play baseball. D. Jose placed the bag of marbles in his backpack.
B. Jose was getting his favorite marbles ready to take to school for show and tell.
Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big comforter and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone and placed it on the floor next to the comforter. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. What was Jeff doing? He was getting ready for a camping trip. He was cleaning out the closet. He was getting things ready for his dog. He was trying to cool off the room.
C - He was getting things ready for his dog.
"It was a rhyme my mother used to whisper to me when I was a little girl. I could almost hear Mom's soft voice, a voice I haven't heard since I was five..." 1st Person 3rd Person
1st person
“Look at my new invention,” Matthew said to his friend Abby. “It’s a math homework machine. I invented a robot that will do math problems.” What problem might Matthew have?
He does not want to do his homework.
without a home